Reasons for the delay menstruation

 Undoubtedly, the critical days you terribly annoying. You have to give up some entertainment, intense exercise, if at all, to lie on the couch with a hot water bottle for five days in a row. But when there is a delay in menstruation, you immediately begin to worry and wait for them to come look. It is understandable, unwanted pregnancy will not please anyone. It always says the delay menstruation pregnancy, and what to think, if this pregnancy test is negative? Understand the problem you try to help women's magazine JustLady.

Delayed menstruation with a negative test - The phenomenon is not rare. Most often, it is not necessary to be afraid, it's not a disease. But the fact speaks of some malfunction in the your body, which is just and can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, if you happenmonth delay longer than 10 days at a negative testBest to visit a gynecologist.

Let's look at what signalsmonth delay and where it might lead.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

As you know, in the first year or two from the beginning of the first menstruation in girls teenage rarely constant cycle. That is, the time between the start of some critical days, and others, as it should be normal, not the same. This is exactly the case when the worry should not be, and even buy a test is not necessary - it still does not show.

The fact that the first two years, growing girlshormones unstable, A possible recession and bursts mood, indicating that a drop or increase the level of hormones in the blood. Once the hormones cease to rage, the cycle will be adjusted. If the regular cycle is not installed and after two years, then, of course, to the doctor.

Delayed menstruation, the test is negative

There may bethe whole thing in the test. It may be overdue, for example. Therefore, for greater certainty buy 3 at once, it is desirable to different manufacturers, so one will precisely work, if that.

A negative test with the apparent delay in menses may be in the case, if you decide to use it too soon. A pregnancy test reacts to the hormone GHCH that appears in a woman's body in about 10 days after conception. Obviously, if you are worried before, even the current test will show nothing.

Reasons for the delay menstruation

Delayed menstruation gynecological diseases and disorders

The reason for the delay menstruation can serve as a violation of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for hormone production. And if a teenager is a normal phenomenon, for adult women is a signal to turn to the endocrinologist and gynecologist. Imbalance in hormonal levels leads to a violation of the ovaries, the so-called dysfunction. Cure such disease can be a doctor.

Inflammatory processes in the internal female organs, as well as tumors of different etiology, endometriosis can also causemonth delay. Moreover,a negative test at the delayAlso likely as a false positive.

The reason for the delay menstruation can also be frustrating disease such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. This phenomenon, when the function of the reproductive organs is broken due to the formation of cysts in the ovaries. This happens often due to elevated levels of testosterone - the male hormone - in women.

Excess testosterone can often be identified by the appearance of the patient. This is overweight, increased hairiness (legs, armpits, groin, the skin above the upper lip), oily skin face and head. The process is considered quite reversible with time begun treatment. If tighten the visit to the doctor, the disease can worsen and lead to infertility.

Common reasons for the delay menstruation

The reason for the delay menstruation with a negative test may be banal "games" with weight. If you are constantly dieting or not permanently, but for the last time you were able to get rid of much of the fat stores in your body there is some imbalance, which in turn affects the hormones, as a result -delay menstruation, the test is negative!

The same thing can happen, by the way, and if it is high time you go on a diet - weight goes beyond bounds, namely creeps up to the third degree of obesity (see. "Body Mass Index" on the site JustLady).

Hard physical work (say, shpaloukladchits) can also cause a delay period. If you are working in the production and forced to pull of gravity, it's time to think about changing jobs. Because recovery in these cases is only possible while eliminating harmful factor.

If you havedelay and monthly test is negative, Think over what you are recently engaged, and how do feel. Climate Change while traveling on vacation or on a business trip could cause a delay monthly 5-10 days. Also, a strong nervous tension, stress, long work that requires concentration can disrupt the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Anotherreason for the delay menstruation gynecologists tend to assume lack of vitamin E. But such a diagnosis you can put only a doctor, do not hurry to lean on foods rich in this vitamin and buy oil capsules. The overabundance of vitamin E is not less harmful than lack (see. "The excess vitamins in the body" on the site JustLady).

Delayed menstruation with a negative test may also arise from new medications that the doctor has prescribed, or in connection with the change of oral contraceptives.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the delay menstruation can cause not only pregnancy, but many other factors. Understand this yourself you can hardly. And if you do not come in time of menstruation is not the first time, be sure to consult your doctor.

Reasons for the delay menstruation

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: organism, cyst, ovary, pregnancy, Ambassador, test, iron, endometriosis, change, adolescent, hormone, age, vitamin, influence, change, medication, delay menstruation, climate, hairiness