Pregnancy with birth control pills: what are the chances?

Pregnancy with birth control pills: what are the chances?
 Birth control pills are considered to be one of the most reliable ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Their effectiveness, according to the manufacturers, is about 98%. However, despite such high rates, there are cases of pregnancy while taking hormonal contraceptives. Why is this happening and what is the likelihood that the pills do not work?

How to take hormonal contraceptives?

Birth control pills contain a part of the female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. They suppress ovulation, alter the composition of the vaginal mucus, thereby preventing penetration of sperm into the uterus and fertilization. Hormonal contraceptives provide protection against pregnancy only if the correct reception. Tablets should drink daily at the same time. Most often, the package contains 21 tablets - this amount is sufficient to provide contraceptive effect during one menstrual cycle. At the end of a seven-day package should make a break, and then continue taking pills from a new box.

All birth control pills have different compositions. There are monophasic and triphasic contraceptives. Appoint a suitable means should a doctor who knows the features of the health status of women.

When birth control pills do not work?

Pregnancy when properly the pill is practically impossible, but if a woman forgets to drink contraceptive pill at least once, the contraceptive effect of the drug markedly reduced. To avoid undesired pregnancy, in this case, to be the next menstruation further protect the barrier or in any other way.

Hormonal contraceptives do not work in the case of a woman, there are problems with digestion, accompanied by nausea and / or vomiting. That's why when taking birth control pills should abstain from alcohol. If the woman underwent an intestinal infection, before the next menstruation she will also need additional protection against unwanted pregnancy.

In some cases, the selected drug is simply not suitable for women. When poor tolerability may require cancellation of the contraceptive pill. Of course, talking about the contraceptive effect in this case is not necessary, as protection against pregnancy is possible only under the regimen.

Cancel the drug should be in the event of thrombosis or preceding it states, intractable migraine attacks, liver failure, and other signs of individual intolerance.

Thus, if a woman becomes pregnant while taking birth control pills, most likely, she took them wrong. With proper hormonal contraceptives probability of pregnancy is close to zero.

Tags: tablet, chances are contraceptive, pregnancy, direct