Pregnancy and Travel

Pregnancy and Travel
 Pregnancy ... Time, filled with delight, dreams and concerns. A time when life changes dramatically, requiring careful and constant monitoring of their actions. But both want to live fully and receive pleasure from every moment! And we are looking for ways to diversify the period of its existence, wishing for a while, a change of scenery. But were afraid - you never know what might happen in the journey? On whether it is possible for pregnant women to travel long distances and tells women's magazine JustLady

In the rubric of Health: Not gay thrush

Pregnancy and long trips

Are compatiblePregnancy and Travel over long distances? Of course, if the pregnancy is not accompanied by poor health and goes without any complications! After pregnancy - is not a disease that causes restrict movement. This is absolutely normal condition in which the trip, especially if they bring pleasure, not only acceptable, but necessary. Because they are connected with the mass of impressions, which are so necessary in this period and the expectant mother and her rebёnochku.

However,travel during pregnancy should be taken wisely and be in accordance with certain rules. Otherwise, they will be associated with considerable risk, and this is certainly better to avoid. What are these rules?

Let's start with the preparatory moments. Not worth going on the road, to adjust itself to the negative mood and collect information about what can happen when traveling. This will cause unnecessary fear, and, as a result of the trip, despite its attractiveness, can turn into a nightmare.

List of useful things it is advisable to make advance. Packaging bags, you need to select only the most necessary, setting aside the elegant evening dresses and high-heeled shoes. During pregnancy - no time for a fashion show. The main thing in it - not to demonstrate its exclusivity, and taking care of their own health and the health of your baby. And therefore take with you only those things that are indispensable. It is desirable that they fit into one bag or suitcase.

Nutritious food - one of the most important factors in the normal course of pregnancy. It is unacceptable that during the trip there was a strong feeling of hunger - it will have to satisfy with anything, and this may adversely affect the health and future of mother and baby. To avoid such situations you can take a crackers, dried fruit, nuts, - all that does not take up much space and is able to satisfy, at least for a time, the body's need for vitamins and minerals.

Travelling during pregnancy should be carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist. He will tell you how to get better transportation to the destination, and what precautions should be observed in this case. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations on standards of conduct during the trip and by type of drugs that will need to be in possession.

Do not forget to bring your medical card and ask what the clinic is located next to the holiday destination. Upon arrival, should visit the clinic to be examined and get on a temporary accounting. This will provide an opportunity to contact the experts at the slightest need.

Trips during pregnancy. Transport

On the choice of transport when traveling during pregnancy depends very much. If the trip take no more than two hours, they can go on the bus, but long journeys on them undesirable as a bus stop for some urgent need is not very convenient. In not too long a trip you can go by car, stopping him and warming up when fit. Of course, so as to avoid bad roads and always wear a seatbelt, missing under the belly.

Long-distance travel by train is convenient to where you can get with sufficient comfort. However, this is quite a long way to travel, which sustain the strength is not any expectant mother. Therefore, the best option in this case is the plane.Flight during pregnancyIn general, the most practical, because it takes very little time. In addition, the seats in the aircraft allow quite get comfortable, and the flight can be transferred easily enough.

However,pregnancy and aircraft compatible only when a period of not more than eight months, and only if the movement of such a method allows the treating physician. Restrictions on flights can be imposed because of the difficult pregnancy, high blood pressure, any problems with the placenta and other abnormalities in maternal and child health.

Such permission is necessary to obtain the necessary. Almost all airlines require expectant mothers availability of medical documents confirming the possibility of flight. Some of them do not carry women who have gestational age greater than thirty-six weeks, and some airlines are required to sign a declaration that the carrier is not responsible for the woman's health. Therefore, intending to fly an airplane, you must first know what the rules are in one way or another airline, and what it will require help.

During the flight should eat in moderation and drink plenty of fluids. Shoes desirable to wear soft, comfortable, such that it does not legs went numb. Where possible, these shoes must be removed and put on slippers or warm socks. If space is available, you can pull the leg forward and periodically do a few simple physical exercises to relax the muscles. To activate blood circulation in the legs, it is necessary at least once an hour to get up and look a bit like between the seats.

If the pregnancy goes with bouts of toxicity, the airplane should be asked additional package and stock up on the road with wet wipes. In general, at a toxicosis it is better not to travel - any trip can be excruciating. This also applies to situations when the gestational age greater than seven months, as too great a risk of premature birth.

All long trips involve a change of climate and time zones, which means that women have to move the thorny process of adaptation to the existing conditions. Therefore, before sent to thetravel during pregnancyYou need to ask about weather conditions at the destination, atmospheric pressure and temperature changes.

It should be remembered that travel in certain countries involve a fairly substantial risk of contracting serious diseases. This concerns, first of all, countries with tropical climates, where the spread yellow fever, malaria and intestinal infections of all kinds. Yellow fever vaccine to pregnant women do not. A malaria and intestinal infections insure almost impossible. Therefore, before choosing to travel to Africa, Asia or South America, you must learn about the endemic state in their territories.

During the rest should not overload yourself excursions and attractions. This is especially true of the first days after arrival. Need a lot of rest, but a lot of time in the sun can not be carried. You should not drink tap water, and there are a lot of exotic fruits. Clothing should be loose and shoes - comfortable and easy. When you see even minor ailments should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy and Travel, In compliance with all security measures - it's great! Embark on a journey and raduyte yourself and your baby!

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, car, travel, airplane, ride a bus, flight