Pregnancy after 40

Pregnancy after 40
 I remember that the heroine of the popular film claimed that after forty life is just beginning. The film ends with the fact that she has finally found the love of his life. In this melodrama ends. But life with the arrival of love has just begun and all too often, women over 40 are not only satisfied with their personal happiness, but also to become mothers. It is about them, about starorodyaschimi, today we'll talk on the pages of women's magazine

History 1

In '42 Galina was married for 20 years and managed to give birth to two sons. Towards a new pregnancy, she was not ready and did not plan to have another child. And not just not planned, but did not want to categorically. But doctors refused to terminate the pregnancy because of renal disease. Pregnancy was difficult and complications, as a sedative Galina doctors, "it's normal at your age". Elder sons react to the fact that my mother is waiting for another child without enthusiasm. At that time, the eldest was already 18, and the youngest 14. Husband supported her, as very much like a girl. Almost all pregnant women held in the hospital for saving. Through the allotted time was born healthy and handsome boy. My husband was disappointed and refused to help his wife. As a result - all cares about the kid fell on Galina. She had no regrets, on the contrary, says with pride about her son, believing that it gave her a chance to be desired and even favorite for years to come. There is nothing selfless love child. 

History 2

Elena is 40 years old and was held quite successful woman: the owner of your own business, first-class driver, it is mandatory twice a year went to rest abroad, changing periodically satellites tour. After one of these trips, she found that "a little pregnant", wanted to go to an abortion, but then the crisis, the problems of the case did not have time ... Look back as 12 weeks flew by and there's nowhere to go. As a practical man, Helen, went to the pregnancy in a businesslike manner. Reduced working hours, no longer drive a car from one city to another, quit smoking and began to lead a healthy lifestyle. Appearance of the baby she did not plan to, but decided that the child health problems will be much less than with the patient. Herpregnancy after 40 went to her only benefit - she became quiet, friendly and femininity. The baby she is expecting, but waiting quietly and steadily, gradually making room in his life for him. True nanny already looks so like going to work a month after giving birth.

Story 3

Anna and Vadim very long time to have a baby. They met quite late, when both were 30, and all subsequent 10 years of marriage spent on infertility treatment. And then one day, Anna realized she was pregnant. Her joy knew no bounds, my husband was ready to carry her in his arms. And, like, everything was fine, except for one but ... One of the tests showed that the child is likely to chromosomal abnormalities. Anna offered to terminate the pregnancy. She refused. Husband supported her entire pregnancy and was beside her, comforting and encouraging. When the daughter was born with Down syndrome, they were both ready for the fact that their baby is not like everything. They are happy. Anna says that "to have a baby's syndrome - it's just a gift of fate, because so much love and kindness to other children will not see."

History 4

Eugene, 40 years old. Mother 7 children. Waiting for the 8th. Says that children give her much more than she to them - they make it to be permanently young. Older children, protecting the mother, taking care of young children themselves, especially as the two already finish school and go to work. Rumor has it that her firstborn was going to marry. Eugene jokes that as soon as he begins to bear children, she would have to stop - otherwise grandchildren will not be grandmother. Feels great, sometimes said that the current 20-year-old to her and not hold a candle, and only know how to run on doctors. She herself comes to consultation 2 times a month, categorically refusing to go to hospital for examination. Yes, doctors and not really insist, knowing that if it adequately assess their condition.

Pregnancy after 40 rarely pleases doctors, as they claim that the risks of various complications increase significantly: women age, and age of the egg. So the risk of various birth defects in children is very high. Even the women after 40, no longer differ good health. According to statistics, only 7 out of 1,000 pregnancies proceed normally, the same statistics show that the "later" moms more likely to develop diabetes and hypertension. On the one hand, on the other hand, the same doctors know thatpregnancy after the age of 40 pushes menopause, prolonging young women. If we are lucky you are to get pregnant at 40, then you first need to take better care of yourself: spend more time outdoors, you need to give up coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. There are a lot of meat and vegetables, engage in breathing exercises, monitor their health and regularly visit your gynecologist patiently complied with the requirements of doctors and surrendering all tests and analyzes. If the first birth, then you need to take care of the hospital and the doctor who will take birth. And we must be aware that the first-born after 40 - this ordeal: the sleepless nights will be given a lot harder than young mothers. And the health of the baby will need to follow, not strangling his overprotective. All this is quite difficult. But it is possible!

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, Ambassador, forum, acid, health, miscarriage, Rh factor, forty, menopause