New Year: how to celebrate, if you are pregnant

New Year: how to celebrate, if you are pregnant
 For women who are "interesting" position, the question of the celebration of the New Year is not necessary. Of course, the expectant mother is entitled to a holiday, because all of its joyful emotions are transferred to the kid. But keep in mind certain restrictions necessary.
 Decide where and how to celebrate the holiday must be based on the duration of pregnancy. It is clear that in the last month is hardly reasonable to travel to noisy parties, suggesting a grand feast, active games, drinks and dancing. At the same time, just abandon the celebration should not be, because the New Year - a holiday special, the only day of the year, when all the people make wishes, and only woman to be pregnant can expect the execution of two desires, to miss such a moment is simply unacceptable.

And yet, in this period, she should not forget about their situation. If the planned celebration somewhere away from home, it is necessary to ask whether there is a nearby hospital, whether you have the necessary medications and things for contingencies. Better prepared for any eventuality than later to accuse someone of negligence.

The expectant mother must be sober approach to the choice of place to celebrate the New Year. To spend the holiday in a place where smoking, mean to harm not only their health, but the health of the child. If we agree to the publication, it is necessary to choose a quiet place where sounds soft music, there is no bright light, and there is a non-smoking room.

Often this festival people meet outside the city. Immediately you should not give up, you must first find out whether there is in this place mobile, if you can, if necessary, rest and sleep, and most importantly, who will accompany you. Only among real friends, which can be held responsible for you and your child, it is necessary to meet such a holiday like New Year.

If you choose to invite friends to her home to celebrate the holiday in familiar surroundings, ask family members to do the cleaning and design apartments, preparing a formal dinner and other pre-holiday chores. You will also be useful to relax the night before, to fix themselves by making festive makeup, hair and nails. Your mood should be doubly happy, because the coming year preparing you and your family the most important gift in life, appreciate the time and have fun, meeting new year.

Tags: pregnancy, holiday, year, meeting