Listen to your body: you can find out about the pregnancy to delay menstruation

Listen to your body: you can find out about the pregnancy to delay menstruation
 Pregnancy - is not only exciting, but also very important period in the life of a woman. The earlier known about its occurrence, the more closely the expectant mother will relate to the health and well-being. To find out about the pregnancy, it is not necessary to wait for the delay menstruation and the first ultrasound. Feel changes in your body can already after 7-10 days after conception.
 Pregnancy occurs during fertilization of mature female body by sperm. This occurs on average 12-16 days of the menstrual cycle. Within a week after conception, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once it is attached to the inner wall of the female body begins to produce so-called "pregnancy hormone" - human chorionic gonadotropin. Furthermore, increased production of progesterone and necessary to maintain the pregnancy.

Hormonal storm rarely goes unnoticed for the expectant mother. From the moment of implantation woman may feel a slight discomfort and other symptoms suggestive of early pregnancy. Someone is clearly expressed in signs, and someone has to listen to yourself, to catch small changes in health.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy is important not only for women who dream about the birth of the child, but also for those who, for whatever reason, become a mother has no plans.

The earliest signs of pregnancy

Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Changes in tastes;
- The appearance of mild nausea and sometimes vomiting;
- Changes in appetite (perhaps his gain, and the complete disappearance);
- Sensitivity to the pungent smell;
- Discomfort in the abdomen;
- Tingling in his side;
- Frequent urination;
- Violation of intestinal motility and, as a consequence, constipation;
- Swelling and tenderness of the breast;
- Drowsiness;
- A decrease in blood pressure;
- Weakness.

Some women also pay attention to excessive irritability, tearfulness and depressed mood in general.

These symptoms are not always observed in full. Often they are so mild that the expectant mother takes them for premenstrual syndrome. Conversely, a woman who had long dreamed of a child may be wishful thinking, that is, to write off any discomfort on the long-awaited pregnancy. Subsequently, it can cause a big disappointment, stress and even depression. That is why it is not necessary to diagnose pregnancy at earlier time. Better to wait a few more days and re-evaluate their condition.

The definition of pregnancy to delay menstruation

In addition to subjective signs indicating the presence of pregnancy, there are also more accurate. One of them is implantation bleeding, which occurs in some women at a time when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall. This happens after about a week after conception. Bleeding, however, it can be called very conditional. Rather, it is spotting brownish discharge that can be found within just a couple of hours. Often this phenomenon coincides with the short-term deterioration of the health of women, such as tingling or unpleasant pulling pain in the abdomen.

Listen to your body: you can find out about the pregnancy to delay menstruation

In favor of pregnancy can also say the increased basal temperature. In the period prior to ovulation, it usually is 36, 5-36, 7 degrees after ovulation - jumps to about 37 degrees. If conception has not taken place, the temperature is maintained at this level for 10-12 days and then drops sharply to 36, 3-36, 4 degrees. If the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine wall and pregnancy develops, the temperature not only did not fall, but can continue to grow to 37, 3-37, 4 degrees.

Basal temperature is measured in the rectum early in the morning, getting out of bed. To testimony was accurate, the procedure must be preceded by at least six hours uninterrupted sleep.

And finally, the most reliable way to determine pregnancy to delay menstruation is a blood test for levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in women. After implantation of the ovum begins to produce the hormone chorionic villi and every 48 hours increases 2-2, 5 times. Donating blood should be on an empty stomach at least twice (the second time two days after the first one) to see the results of the analysis in the dynamics. This should be done in the same laboratory, to avoid measurement error and interpretation of results. HCG levels in the body non-pregnant women is equal to zero. If the analysis shows a number other than that, most likely, pregnancy actually occurred. Optimal for blood donation is 10-12 days after conception, ie 2-4 days before the expected menses.

When hCG levels reach 1,000 units, a woman can do ultrasound to make sure that the pregnancy is really masterbatch, and the size of the gestational sac correspond to gestational age.

Tags: body, pregnancy, the first term, monthly, diagnosis, delay, sign