If you decided to give birth after 35 ...

If you decided to give birth after 35 ...
 Sometimes a woman realizes that not everything in her life is as it was planned by herself. Career success, it is - a valuable employee and realize itself in many areas. But in this race for the professional success she did not have time and energy to think about the children. Children - a dream, but the years pass, and doctors put a sad diagnosis, but she still does not believe that the isolated nature of her time for the birth of a child lost forever. Or a new marriage, a wonderful husband, my children grew up, but I want to do with my husband kid, but - age ... Many thoughts haunt, if a woman has decided to give birth after 35.

Many serious and fear-inspiring facts about late pregnancy should not be discounted. Statistics inexorable: women after 35 years the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is 9 times higher than that of 30-year-olds. During pregnancy at this age may worsen chronic diseases such expectant mother, such as diabetes, hypertension and many others. There is a risk of placental abruption and various fetal abnormalities, which is a threat for both the pregnant woman and for the baby. Besides, the chance of pregnancy after 35 years in women is much lower than that of those who had become a mother at an early age.

One of the important problems facing women in age, especially if she gives birth to a child without a father, is the financial welfare. On the one hand, it has already taken place as a person and has a stable job. The Labour Code also on her side: until the child is 1, 5 years old mom gets monthly at the place of work in the form of benefit payment equal to 40% of her salary, and to 35 years in a woman usually already has a stable job and good salary. Frightens only financial uncertainty in the event of any unforeseen circumstances, such as sudden illness. And the lack of any substantial social benefits after the child turns 1, 5 years, combined with great difficulty on the device in the baby nursery becomes an insoluble problem for expectant mothers without husbands.

Another aspect of this issue - the psychological. If a woman has decided to give birth after 35 years, it is often heard in the address word friends and acquaintances that she had gone mad, because it will take for the baby's grandmother that and grandchildren will not have time to nurse. And these concerns for their health and the ability to have time to "put the child on their feet" in women is one of the strong opposition to the natural and good desire to have a baby.

But doctors and psychologists have very good news for those brave the fairer sex, who decided to give birth after 35 years. If you prepare yourself in advance for the upcoming pregnancy under the supervision of experts, to give up all bad habits, to observe a balanced diet, take the necessary vitamin complexes, have the desire to have a baby and a positive attitude to this, in this age can perfectly bear pregnancy. According to research by American doctors who conducted surveillance for several years in hospitals in New York, if a woman is 35 years old and older healthy herself, then her chances of having a healthy baby do not differ from those same odds of 20-year-old mothers.

Now there were many maternity hospitals just such "young" mothers aged 35 to 40 years who are willing and able to give birth to their baby and 35-40 are in good health, and hence a real opportunity to "lift" and raise her child. As for the fact that this mummy will look him (the baby) grandmother, it is safe to say that a 40-year old woman, watching their appearance, sometimes looks fresher and younger than their not watching him, much younger girlfriends.

Late kids in their mental abilities are often even ahead of those who appeared at the young parents. The key is that the child is late - it baby, waiting for the appearance of which is a miracle. With him at the woman begins a different perception of the world, unusual and previously unknown to her. And what do all possible problems compared to the inexpressible joy when the baby with a happy smile on her face running towards his mother and hugs her neck her tiny hands.

Yes, and worth a look at the famous mummies: Salma Hayek and Halle Berry (they gave birth to 41 years), Brooke Shields (43 years) and Nancy Grace (twins gave the world at the age of 48 years). So do not hesitate. if you decide to give birth after 35!

Tags: baby, pregnancy, Ambassador offensive