The diet of the pregnant woman must be present dairy products, fresh vegetables (especially beets and beans) and vegetables, rye bread and cheese, and nuts. From the first days of pregnancy need to drink daily two glasses of milk, yogurt or sour: it will create in the body "reserve of calcium."
As a source of calcium, you can use the shell of boiled eggs cooked, thus removing the internal film. Shell must be thoroughly washed, ignited in the pan, and then grind in a coffee grinder to a powder. This "medicine" should be used two to three times a day for 0, 3-0, 5 g, adding first and second courses, or simply with water.
But often the calcium entering the natural form is not enough. Deficiency of this element leads to problems with teeth (they collapse), hair (fall and become inconspicuous), insomnia, goiter, irritability and other problems.
Can take calcium in the form of preparations, which is present in the composition of vitamin D (it improves the digestibility of the element). Appoint a calcium should only doctor after passing certain tests pregnant, bone density measurement using densitometric units.
Negative consequences for the health of the pregnant and the baby is fraught not only calcium deficiency, but the excess of this element. Due to the overabundance of calcium in the mother's bones baby become less elastic, which creates complications during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. In addition, excess calcium creates an additional burden on the kidneys, so this "medicine" during pregnancy need to be more careful.