How to get pregnant with twins: Tips of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

How to get pregnant with twins: Tips of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
 Twins - is not only a double difficulty, but also a double joy. A lot of couples dream of becoming parents just two kids. Someone thinks that because the children a better chance to grow in harmony, someone just wants to "shoot out" at a time, putting in the future end to the issue of procreation. Whatever the reasons for the decision, the twins can not guarantee no way planning pregnancy. However, obstetricians say that you can increase the likelihood of a "double" conception.

How is conceived twins

Twins can be identical and fraternal. In the first case, they are obtained from a fertilized egg, which is at a very early stage of pregnancy is divided into two (or more) isolated from each other section. Subsequently, they form independent organisms. Fraternal twins are derived from two fertilized eggs.

In case of incomplete division of the fertilized eggs are born so-called "Siamese twins".

According to statistics, the probability of the birth of twins is 1:85. The chances increase if the couple in the family already had twins. Influence the birth of identical twins is almost unreal, but help to make the woman several ripe eggs, very possible. So what does it take to become parents of twins?

What to do to get pregnant twins: scientific methods

Despite the fact that the guaranteed way to become parents of twins does not exist, physicians and provide scientific advice to help conceive twins. However, it is not as safe for the female body as folk remedies.

Increase the likelihood of a "double" of conception, you can use oral contraceptives. If you take them for a long time, and then abruptly stop, the body often reacts to this powerful hormonal surges. As a result, the woman in the first cycle after the abolition of the contraceptive pill can ripen several eggs. Optimal deadline for contraceptives for subsequent conception of twins is 6-9 months.

However, there is also the opposite situation: for some women the ovaries after the abolition of contraceptives "wake up" not once, but because in the first cycle of ovulation may not be.

So is it possible to immediately get pregnant with twins? There are only more or less reliable way to resort to that healthy couple is unlikely to agree. This in vitro fertilization, or conception of "test-tube". During preparation for pregnant women received a huge amount of hormones to her ripe several eggs. After fertilization, the embryos are transferred into the womb to the uterus. If they take root and will develop normally, 9 months a woman has the potential to become a mother of two, and even three babies at once.

Folk remedies to help you get pregnant with twins or triplets

The easiest and safest way to increase the probability of ripening of two eggs, is to revise the diet. The more protein will consume the expectant mother, the higher the probability that after 9 months she would have several kids. Need to lean meat, fish, and dairy products and kislomolchnye.

To conceive twins and can be used with wild yam. It stimulates the ovaries, with the result that women often ripens just two, and even three ready to fertilize the egg.

Tags: twins, twin tip, a gynecologist, twins, an obstetrician