How to choose the contraceptive pill

How to choose the contraceptive pill
 Hormonal treatments are quite effective means of contraception if they are regular admission. But this method is not suitable for all women, so if you decide to choose birth control pills, consult your gynecologist.

Before choosing a drug you have to pass a series of tests - on hormones, cytology smears, blood tests (biochemical and coagulation), ultrasound examination of (breast, pelvis and thyroid). A detailed examination on the chair and detailed analyzes will provide an opportunity to give preference to a particular drug.

Do not be guided by the advice of friends and acquaintances - your body can quite differently react to the same drugs. Moreover, an independent function and hormonal drugs can lead to undesirable and dangerous complications. If you have not given birth and have not tried this method of contraception, then you will approach mikrodozirovannye oral medications. Such tablets side effects are minimal and they are easily tolerated by the body.

Low-dose hormone pills are suitable parous women. They are also quite easy to carry and different minor side effects.

Srednedozirovannye tablets are ideal for older women. If this group of drugs is not able to suppress ovulation, the doctor prescribes vysokodozirovannye contraceptives.

Absolutely all hormones have several side effects that may occur in varying degrees. The widespread opinion that by birth control pills get fat, not without foundation - indeed, in some cases there is a change of weight. Among other drawbacks - you may experience headaches, changes in libido, disturbances in the digestive tract. Therefore, choose a pill that will be suitable for you, it's hard.

Someone did not experience any changes and transports drugs well, but someone has to change not one way to find an acceptable option. Often unpleasant effects of hormonal drugs disappear after three months - this is the time recommended to control symptoms. If side effects deliver too much inconvenience or worse, you should inform your doctor, and do not wait for their disappearance.

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