How to boost immunity pregnant

How to boost immunity pregnant
 During pregnancy it is necessary to improve protective function of the body, since it takes an increased amount of minerals and vitamins. Level of immune protection has a direct impact on the health of the unborn child.
 Of course, it is necessary to revise the diet. Food for pregnant women should be fortified and enriched with beneficial trace elements. First of all, it's fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and dairy products. From spicy, salty and fatty foods should be avoided, as it adversely affects the state of the internal organs of mother and child. It should be remembered that a pregnant woman should eat food in small portions at frequent intervals.

To improve the immunity of pregnant women need regular walks in the fresh air, light exercise that eliminate congestion in the body. It is advisable to alternate physical activity and rest, as sleep is very important for the overall health of women. Thus, do not overwork the body, but in no case be allowed low activity, as it reduces the protective function.

During pregnancy assigned to receive special vitamin B complex, which increases immunity. For example, folic acid is essential for normal growth and development of the fetus, calcium involved in bone formation, magnesium affects the nervous system.

It is advisable to water treatment that contribute to hardening of the body. For example, you can start with a contrast shower of the lower extremities and wiping with a towel soaked in water. Changing the temperature of water causes stress organism whereby it will develop resistance to various environmental factors.

Particular importance is given to climate regime indoors. In modern urban apartments dominated dry air. It is advisable to install a humidifier or climatic complex, which will not only increase the humidity in the room, but also clean it from malicious viruses, dust, enrich oxygen.

Tags: body, pregnancy, immunity, woman, pregnancy,