How do I know if I have children

How do I know if I have children
 Have children dream of every woman. But not everyone is destined to give birth to a baby. According to statistics, 15% of infertile couples Russian. Therefore, many women entering marriage, think, whether they conceive and bear a baby. How to determine if you have a chance at a happy motherhood?

May become pregnant and give birth to most women - about 88%. So do not torture yourself with unfounded fears. Moreover, that understand exactly are you able to motherhood can only empirically, that is, trying to conceive a baby. However, several factors suggest possible infertility. Therefore, all wishing to become mothers should listen carefully to your body.

Successfully become pregnant only in the absence of serious problems with the menstrual cycle. Normal is usually from 21 to 35 days, and indicates proper ovulation.

But if there is no menstruation for more than six months, or your cycle irregular, monthly too painful, strong or lean, it could mean a violation, such as endometriosis, it significantly reduces the chance of conceiving a child. Consult your doctor to diagnose the problem and take action in time to occurrence of pregnancy.

Prevent the timely conception can and hormonal imbalance in the body. It usually manifests itself as a permanent acne, oily skin and excessive amounts of hair. All this could mean a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome. In other words, the body produces too much androgen (male sex hormones). This problem can also be corrected. It is only necessary not to delay, failure to diagnose and treat.

An alarm - if the liquid is released from the nipple. This may be a manifestation of hyperprolactinemia. When this hormonal disorders may infertility.

Some women may be difficult to conceive a child with excess or insufficient weight. All this may cause a disruption of ovulation.

Can lead to infertility disease, sexually transmitted infections. It's not just AIDS, gonorrhea or syphilis. For example, a very common hlamedioz, causing damage to the fallopian tubes and pelvic inflammatory disease. Therefore it is very important to diagnose all diseases and quickly cured.

On the possible infertility can speak and problems during intercourse: pain or vaginal dryness. They can be caused by infections, pathology, abnormal structure of the genital organs. So if you want to get pregnant, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

Yet the presence of one or more symptoms listed above is by no means puts an end to your potential motherhood. Only a small part incurable diseases. Even in extreme cases, there are methods that allow a woman to conceive a child one way or another.

Tags: child, infertility