Folk remedies for toxicity

Folk remedies for toxicity
Pregnancy for women - one of the most joyous and memorable events in my life. That's just the first few months it is often accompanied by not the most pleasant phenomenon - toxicosis. One luckier neither nausea nor vomiting or lack of appetite, the first trimester passes easily. Another part of the women have to face with toxemia face to face. Then the morning begins with a familiar already nausea afternoon she continues with renewed vigor, and the evening will not disappear. Slight pungent smells - and here it is, the familiar urge. How can alleviate these symptoms? Women's Site JustLady talks about what means of toxemia help best.

Toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy - it habitual and familiar to many.In such cases, you should not worry too much, usually the general condition of women toxicosis no effect, and by 12-13 week he disappears.There are many theories to explain the causes of toxicity.Most of them are reduced to the fact that a woman during pregnancy falls into a new, unfamiliar situation for themselves and to adapt to it, the body must be given time.Psychological theory suggests that morning sickness can develop a consequence woman rejection of his new position.This is not always consciously, and, nevertheless, the fact remains.Not every pregnancy is planned.For many, the imminent addition - a big surprise, and it is not always pleasant.Unnecessary anxiety can not affect the female body, and begins toxemia.Some believe that toxemia - a phenomenon inherited, and if at the time the mother suffered from toxicity, most likely it threatens and daughter.

Does not really matter what lifestyle led woman before pregnancy.Sometimes active athletes who eat only healthy foods, suffer from terrible toxicosis.But, of course, fans of fatty, salty and sharp little much harder to move this pregnancy.And so now with even tasty, but still hard to digest food have to tie.Doctors strongly recommend to eat more high-protein, calcium and vitamin products, it is important because not only take care of yourself, but also your baby.A healthy diet combined with daily routine and everyday walks a positive impact on any woman, not to mention the pregnant.Many tell how beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant simple field trips.And the nausea passes, and vomiting.No wonder the village girls are much less susceptible to toxicosis.The rhythm of life of a large metropolis often does not allow to pay due attention to their health and lifestyle, and yet pregnancy - while taking care of yourself and your loved Chad should come to the fore.

Folk remedies for toxicity

Folk remedies for toxicity

Another thing is that often, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not safeguard against nausea from morning till lunch and dinner until the evening. Then help his grandmother's time-tested recipes -folk remedies for toxicity. The most famous and effective of them - mint. Peppermint tea, mints, mint chewing gum akin lifeline for pregnant women. They shoot first urge nausea, so it is recommended to drink mint tea slowly, but as often as possible. Gum and candy - magic wand, if you are in a public place.

Honey has long been used for medicinal purposes. It turns out that he not only treats colds, but also is an excellentremedy for toxicosis. It is well absorbed by the body, contains in its composition many essential vitamins and minerals and helps with nausea and vomiting. What could be better! It is recommended to take honey one tablespoon per day on an empty stomach. A orange and grapefruit juices help cleanse the body and strengthen the work of enzymes that rid the body of toxins. In addition to juices can be eaten slices of mandarin oranges and lemons.

Rosehip - another miracleremedy for toxicosis. Its decoction cleanses the body of metabolic products, which is amplified in the first stage of pregnancy and results in toxicosis. Dog rose tincture should be consumed with honey after meals. Instead rosehip sometimes make a decoction of dried fruit. In addition, the pharmacy can find a large number of diuretic fees. It is necessary to drink 2-3 week course, and you immediately feel relief.

Folk remedies for toxicity

Many people in recent years are looking to Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, acupressure and aromatherapy quickly relieve symptoms of toxicity. Acupressure and acupuncture complex effects on the body, making it easier both overall and relieving nausea and vomiting, and aroma oils have a calming effect and ease morning sickness. Start with a session lasting 20 minutes each time increasing his time.

Folk remedies for toxicitysafe for the body and the mother and child, but in any case, consult with a physician will not be superfluous. After all, these recipes are not a panacea for all ills. During pregnancy, eat all you want, rather, that you will allow your toxicosis. If only the food is easily digested. It is better to have a little, but often. But to wash down the food during the meal is not necessary. Much better to drink mineral water after a meal. If so you are faced with the problem of toxicity, a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet during pregnancy (yes what can we say, not only at this time) will ease your condition, andfolk remedies for toxicity- Excellent helpers in this.

Tags:pregnancy toxemia, recipe taksikoz, acupressure