Features care and development of the newborn

Features care and development of the newborn
 A newborn baby is helpless, so as no one needs close attention and respect. Baby Care has its own characteristics, and it is desirable to get acquainted with them before birth.

The development of the newborn

Weight healthy newborn baby is 2, 5 to 4, 5 kg. With enough power to the end of the first month of life to be increased to 600-800 grams. Ideal food for the infant is mother's milk. Understand enough if it can be the behavior of crumbs. If the newborn child sleeps poorly, often applied to the chest, it is worth to spend checkweighing before and after feeding. If you find that mother's milk is not enough, it makes sense to consult with your doctor about the supplementary feeding your baby formula.

Weight gain - one of the main health indicators, however, has a value and psycho-emotional development of crumbs. If the birth of a child almost no attention to external stimuli, to two or three weeks he will learn to stare at closely spaced bright toys and faces. The baby felt protected, it is important to smile when dealing with him.

Toys should be located at a distance of 25-30 cm from the face crumbs. Well, if they are yellow, green, red or blue - these colors baby begins to perceive in the first place.

In the first days after birth, the child hears is not very good, but by the weeks of age he began to pay attention to loud sounds. It is important to communicate with the crumbs as much as possible: talk, sing lullabies. In this case, he will quickly learn not only listen, but also to recognize the voices close.

Newborn care

Newborn care is the treatment of the umbilical wound, eye, the ear, the skin and careful toilet genitals. All procedures except the last may be performed after bathing the child. If the head of the newborn are translucent and yellowish crusts, follows after brushing baby's head baby oil, gently comb out their brush with soft bristles.

The umbilical cord is carried out with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green, skin folds - baby oil. The child's eyes should be cleaned with a damp cotton swab and ears - cotton buds with limiters.

Since the feces of the newborn has a mushy texture and strongly irritates the delicate skin, it is important to wash away the baby each time after changing a diaper. This should be done with water at room temperature motions from front to back.

Tags: baby, newborn care, development, newborns, particularly