Essential oils in pregnancy

Essential oils in pregnancy
 Aromatherapy, thanks to newspapers and magazines, today is very popular. There is a lot of information about the beneficial effects of essential oils on health, psychological state of man, his mood. Sometimes, we deliberately begin to apply many recipes, forgetting that aromatherapy - it is the same medicine that if misused could harm our body. In this article, female site JustLady talk about the use of essential oils during pregnancy, the pros and cons of flavored treat.

A pregnant woman is very emotional and sensitive. Hormonal changes in the body not only helps to make a healthy baby, but also affects the most unpredictable way on the psychological well-being. In this period is especially important to find a way to harmonize its internal state, to feel peace of mind and positive emotions. Useessential oils during pregnancy gives a chance, in addition, it helps to protect against colds, swelling and other physical ailments. A pregnant woman is very important to feel healthy, aromatherapy can be a good helper here. But, as with any therapeutic intervention, it should only be carried out with the approval and under the supervision of a physician.

First of all, watch for a reaction to one or another aromatic oil. If there is a rejection, aroma causes discomfort or nausea from it should be discarded. You have to be especially careful to those women who have had a miscarriage or pregnancy is hard. Any drug may pose a potential risk to the fetus, so the use ofessential oils during pregnancy must be careful and thoughtful.

Essential oils in pregnancy

Reduce the dosage

The skin of a pregnant woman becomes more sensitive, increases the severity of the odor. Therefore, if you do decide to use aromatherapy, use less oil, reduce procedure time and increase the intervals between sessions. Use special caution should be taken to the baths, compresses and massage, though regular oil burner can also be an irritant. Natural, natural distribution of volatiles will not harm my mother and the unborn baby, therefore, applyingessential oils during pregnancy, Adhere to a rule: in this case it is important not quantity.

Monitor the quality of

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of essential oil. Production of oil - the process is very time consuming and expensive, so finding a natural aromatic oils on the shelves very difficult. But good quality plays an important role, it determines the safety and efficacy of the product ester. Synthetic fake identical to the smell of natural oils, but is devoid of therapeutic properties and can even be toxic. Of great importance is the locus of raw material: soil pollution, long-term transportation and use of pesticides increase the amount of toxins. Usingessential oils during pregnancy, Be sure to watch out for their quality.

Test the sensitivity

Before using any essential oil perform the test on individual tolerability of the aromatic preparation. If you have a skin rash, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, coughing and sneezing - it is necessary to limit contact with the allergen. Indicator of intolerance as well are: headache, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, asthma attacks.

During pregnancy can not be used with an increased essential oil content ketones, aldehydes and phenols. These substances can provoke uterine bleeding strongly irritate the mucous membranes and the depressing effect on the nervous system.Essential oilsThatPregnancy to avoid: wormwood, basil, juniper, thyme, anise, fennel, hops, yarrow, sage, cloves, jasmine, cypress, tarragon.

Have fun

Still, the list of essential oils that can alleviate the condition of women during pregnancy big thing - follow our advice on their use.

1.Lavender. The use of lavenderessential oils during pregnancy helps to reduce the pain in his back and legs, it has antiseptic properties, is suitable for the treatment of scars, scratches. Lavender oil relaxes, relieves stress and helps fight insomnia.

2.Tangerine. It has a mild tonic effect, relieves fatigue and invigorates. Excellent helps with swelling of the tissues, so it can be used with foot massage.

3.Neroli. Perfect for skin care, helps to restore skin cells. Excellent refreshing air, is one of the best anti-depressants, soothes and removes unreasonable fears.

4.Tangerine. Flavor that enhances the mood and tone. Massage with this oil prevents stretch marks, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

5.Lemon. Oil of lemon peel refreshes, tones, has a cooling effect during a massage, improves blood circulation. Good help with varicose veins.

6.Manuka. Can be applied to the skin to nourish and moisturize, heal cuts and wounds. Along with the wound-healing effect is a mild sedative, helps with insomnia. For colds can do inhalation using tea tree essential oil.

7.Sandal. Use of Sandalwoodessential oils during pregnancy soothes, relieves irritability. Can be used instead of a night cream, prevents dry skin and moisturizes.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil, pregnancy, aromatic oils