Causes of problems with conception: how to get pregnant on their own

Causes of problems with conception: how to get pregnant on their own
 Doctors are sounding the alarm: the number of women who are diagnosed with "infertility" is growing steadily. And quite rapidly. Question: "Why can not I get pregnant? "Doctors are increasingly heard. And the reasons for this problem quite a lot.
 Modern life and progress impose their own fingerprints on a person's life. Especially women. Bad ecology, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and bad habits - all of this is extremely damaging to the health of the ladies and, consequently, prevents her from getting pregnant. So today you can see the entire line at artificial insemination centers, as well as where treat gynecological diseases. In some cases, mourning women, that she can not get pregnant successfully overcome. But has recently become more and more ladies, for whom a diagnosis of "infertility" - this is the final verdict.

The reasons that a woman is not pregnant

The reasons can be a huge number. For example, if a girl at an early age began to lead a promiscuous sexual life, chances are that conceive, carry and give birth to her child will be quite difficult. Especially if the situation was aggravated by infection with sexually transmitted or made earlier stupidity abortion. As a result of this irresponsible behavior of the body is seriously affected. Frequent change of sexual partners in itself adversely affects the performance of the entire reproductive system, and if it is also complicated by additional factors, it becomes quite problematic.

Of course, the past does not return, so it is necessary to solve the problems that have already appeared. For example, planning to conceive, you need to visit the doctor, go through their consultations, tests, to ensure their good health.

However, cases in which the girl was very careful and discriminating in romantic relationships, sexually transmitted diseases did not suffer, but it can not conceive a child, also not uncommon. And this is connected with the conditions in which the lady lived. For example, if she works 12 hours a day, eating fast food, drinking a lot of coffee and in addition also smokes, her body is well adapted to the pregnancy can hardly be described. Solve the problem in this case is possible, taking a little time out: rest, take care of ourselves, go on a healthy lifestyle, and succeed.

There are a number of reasons, and those that depend on any disease of the female body. For example, pregnant with cervical erosion is possible, but quite problematic. It is not a fact that will make this pregnancy. The same problems arise if a woman has found a variety of neoplasms. Doctors do not recommend begin to conceive if a woman found an ovarian cyst. Pregnancy at coleitis and thrush is quite possible, but not always successful. Moreover, with such diagnoses lady sometimes quite difficult to conceive for a long period.

Another reason - to bring down the hormonal women. In this case it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the body with the analysis of all causes, then the woman will need to go through a serious treatment and only after attempts are made to conceive a child.

Alignment hormonal background made using oral contraceptives. After treatment is a 3-month break before planning. This is due to the fact that the body must be cleansed of hormones.

Of course, one of the reasons it is impossible to conceive a child can be a man's inability to normal insemination. This can occur for the same reasons as that of the ladies - stress, poor diet, lack of adequate physical activity, etc. In this situation, will help medical consultation, examination and treatment of the full scheme.

What types of infertility are

Experts identify several types of infertility. One of them - is primary. The name is a situation when a couple is trying to conceive their first child, and before that neither the man nor the woman had no children.

Secondary - appears in those situations where women or men already have a child, but with the second conception is impossible. However, in this case, you must look which partner is responsible for the impossibility of pregnancy. If all of the action takes place in the framework of a single pair, which already has a joint child, they need to see a doctor together. The cause of secondary infertility can be parental age, increase the influence of bad habits, etc. If conceive a baby do not get couples where one partner has a child from his first marriage, check the first need of children who have not.

What should I do to still the pregnancy

To welcome the pregnancy, experts recommend a complete examination of both partners. Yes, it can be expensive, but the procedure of artificial insemination in any case much more expensive cost. In addition, if you have the chance to conceive naturally, why abandon it.

Also, do not panic if pregnancy does not occur with the first month trying to conceive a baby. The diagnosis of "infertility" is made only after a year of unsuccessful attempts. But in this case, do not panic. There are cases when conception occurs in a natural way and after 2 and 3, and even 5-10 years of waiting.

Experts recommend to relax and stop thinking about the problem. Because sometimes conceive psychosocial barriers expectant parents and their increased anxiety. Statistics inexorable: quite often against the background of the relaxation and long-awaited event occurs - pregnancy.

Tags: baby, diagnosis, infertility, inability to