Barrier Contraceptives

Barrier Contraceptives
 Today there are more than twenty kinds of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (so-called STI). We just think that in our age - an age of high technology and advanced medicine - is minimal risk for STIs. Needless to say about what a serious threat to humans of such infections? Women's magazine JustLady'm sure you're all well and realize. Of course, medicine does not stand still and the doctors are struggling to stop the growth of infections. But, unfortunately, sometimes diagnosis of these diseases is complex and not always accurate, and treatment - a long and costly. Therefore, people should take care of their health, reducing the risk of infection to a minimum. Among the many existing contraceptives among the most effective barrier contraceptives are. Journal JustLady today reveal the subject, and perhaps reading this article, you will learn for yourself something useful. Remember that the choice of contraception requires careful and attentive approach. JustLady recommends to address this issue only after consulting your doctor. 

Barrier Contraceptives serve not only as a protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also from almost all infections, sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, barrier contraceptives have other beneficial properties:
- They do not affect the organism;
- Do not have a lasting effect;
- Reducing the risk for inflammatory diseases, dysplasia, cervical cancer due to protective antiviral effect;
- Accessible, inexpensive.

No less important is the fact thatbarrier contraceptives you can buy at any pharmacy without a prescription.

However,barrier contraceptives have its drawbacks, which the magazine JustLady include:

- Not enough high degree of protection against pregnancy when compared to hormonal contraceptives;
- Possibility of an allergic reaction, irritant;
- Possible discomfort, decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse;
- Not too convenient application.

Barrier contraception is mechanical and chemical. Mechanicalbarrier contraceptives not allowed to penetrate the sperm into the cervical canal. In this group are:

- Condoms for men and women. Undoubtedly, it is the most common means of contraception nowadays due to its availability and efficiency. They come in different shapes, thicknesses, with different surfaces and colors,. They are made of latex or other materials. To great effect often use condoms with spermicide. However, improper use of a condom reduces its effectiveness in terms of protection against pregnancy. In particular: re-use, improper storage, too intense sexual intercourse, use of lubricants fat, which destroy the surface of the product. Condom - is one of the most effective means of protection against infections, sexually transmitted infections (HIV - is no exception). JustLady advised to note that the use of condoms in conjunction with oil vaginal agents can damage the latex, resulting in protection against viruses will be reduced. Efficiency: 100 women - 10.5 pregnancies per year. 

- Aperture. These Arebarrier contraceptives Similar to the flexible rim caps latex. Most often used in conjunction with a diaphragm spermicidal gel. If the diaphragm properly positioned in the vagina, it will cover the cervix. Aperture is selected individually for every woman, because she can be of different sizes and models. When used correctly, suchbarrier contraceptives protect against STIs. Removed the diaphragm, not earlier than 6 hours, but no later than the day after intercourse. The advantages include the fact the diaphragm, it is safe, can be used continuously, does not require the participation of men. Women's magazine JustLady draws your attention to contraindications. If you are allergic to latex, there are anomalies in the vagina, infection or inflammation are present, you are prohibited from using the diaphragm. Efficiency: 100 women - 10.5 pregnancies per year.

- Cervical cap. This cap is made of latex, tight to the cervix. It can be used with spermicides or without them. Selects the cervical cap physician individually for every woman, and it was he who wears it the first time, the main thing - to cap as close as possible to the cervix. Then the woman is able to do it myself. The cap should be worn for at least 6 hours after intercourse. It is very important for a woman to properly put on the cap, otherwise it may slip, and, of course, no protection will not.

The second group - the chemicalbarrier contraceptives. They include active ingredients that contribute to the destruction of sperm, reducing their mobility and ability to fertilize. Spermicides have not only contraception, but also some protective effect against STIs. This group includes: cream and gel, spray foam, vaginal tablets and suppositories, contraceptive sponge. Women's magazine JustLady reminds choosing contraception, be sure to consult a gynecologist.Barrier Contraceptives may be recommended for women with contraindications to intrauterine and hormonal contraception, breastfeeding mothers, with irregular sexual life.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, the protection effectiveness, contraception