All of grapeseed oil

All of grapeseed oil
 As the biblical legend, the first plant, which God created was the vine. Pioneer winemakers believe Noah - he is seeing is not quite adequate, but its behavior is funny goat, after eating the fruit of wild grapes, decided to cultivate this plant. Planted a sapling, poured his blood lion (for strength), blood of the lamb (to get rid of wild properties), and after a while gathered an abundant harvest and made excellent wine. Who are the people guessed the first extract from the fruit of the vine sweet butter - this biblical account of the annals do not say anything, but it is known that the beneficial properties of grape seed oil were known in ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. Today, female site JustLady talk about this unique product, its production and use.

Grape oil - properties

It's no secret that women skin needs constant care, and a role in toning and maintaining youth play estrogen - the female hormones, which have a wide range of action. They determine the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, collagen is responsible for the regenerative function of our skin.Grape seed oil not for nothing that has been called "the elixir of youth" - thanks to the bioflavonoids (natural stimulants), it restores the cells at the molecular level, promotes renewal of the epidermis.

Furthermore bioflavonoids grape oil contains a high percentage of linolenic acid, omega-6, which stabilizes the metabolism and reduces cholesterol in blood. It can not independently synthesized and enters the human body only with food or vitamin supplements.Grape oil In this sense, an indispensable product - containing up to 80% of the valuable substances, it could supplement or even replace any vegetable oil in our daily diet. Carotene, calcium, and vitamin E, though not boast a large percentage, nevertheless, contribute to the advantageous properties of the product.

By the way, cooking grape seed oil is widely used not only for their nutritional value. It has a high temperature smoke, which meansgrape seed oil can be safely used as a frying - with lamps, it does not produce harmful substances. In addition, high-quality grape seed oil is colorless, strongly pronounced taste and smell, so is perfect as a supplement to any dish.

Industrial production of grape oil mastered only in the 20th century, and since that time made him release the stream. The extraction process is quite complex and present high-quality grape seed oil can not be cheap. First grape seeds thoroughly ground and separate rigid shell. Then, it is extracted and refined. There is a second way: by cold pressing. But such production is too expensive - at considerable cost oil yield obtained very small.

Grape oil - medical applications

Grape seed oil good remedy for cardiovascular and venous diseases. It regulates the cell membranes, displays the body of oxidation products, strengthens the immune system, suspend the development of cataracts. Recent experiments have shown the effectiveness of medical products based on grape oil for the prevention of heart attacks and venous disease.

Massage. Grape oil is an excellent conductor, delivering highly concentrated substances through the skin to the tissues and organs. Therefore, it serves as a suitable basis for various massage blends. You can use oil grape in its purest form - Grease their palms and rub into problem areas lightly. Oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation and tones. And, if it add avocado oil or jojoba - received an excellent anti-cellulite agent.

Bathtub. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, softens the skin and eliminates irritation. Add a few dropsgrape oil in the emulsifier (honey, milk), pour the mixture into a warm bath and soak in it for 10-15 minutes. Not washing in the shower, pat the skin dry with a towel and lubricate moisturizing milk or lotion A body.

Grape in cosmetology

Grape seed oil for face can be used both in pure and mixed form. It has a delicate, light texture, perfectly absorbed and leaves no greasy. Creams, lotions based on grape oil is recommended for combination skin, they smooth wrinkles and restore the protective function of the epidermis.Grape seed oil for face perfect for massage during the cold season. Before going to bed, apply a little oil on the skin and drive his fingertips - this procedure relieve irritation and peeling, heal small cracks.

Grape seed oil for hairFor strengthening and rehabilitation, applied in the Middle Ages. To the present day came recipe elixir created by Frenchman José de Malem for his beloved. What prevents you take advice of the famous perfumer and make your hair strong and healthy? Mix equal proportions of grape seed oil and extract of rose petals. Rub into the roots of the hair, wrap head with a towel and hold this scented mask on the head for 20-30 minutes, then rinse shampoo. Hair after a few treatments get shine, smoothness and perfect fit in any style.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hair oil, grapes, mask, bone, review, peeling, properties, application, medicine