On the short term, when you do not know about the pregnancy, a miscarriage can happen quite quickly. Fertilized egg goes, failing to gain a foothold. In some cases, there is pain in the abdomen or malaise.
Back pain can also herald a miscarriage, especially if you fell the day before, or lift something heavy. Pain is pulling character without lumbago.
Harbingers of spontaneous abortion can serve bloody or watery discharge from the vagina, which are scarce or abundant in nature.
No matter what are the first symptoms, immediately call an ambulance. It is often possible to keep the pregnancy and successfully communicate.
Causes of miscarriage can serve as genetic abnormalities in the fetus, severe problems with the health of the mother, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, immunological factors, when there is Rh conflict between mother and fetus during incompatible Rh factor. Also can serve the cause of injury or falling mother unhealthy lifestyle woman.
Statistics show that the most common causes of miscarriage are genetic disorders of the fetus, but it does not mean that the next pregnancy will end tragically. In the future, there is every chance of having a healthy baby.