Since the establishment of pregnancy and lasts up to 12 weeks the first trimester. At this time, it is desirable to be registered in the antenatal clinic, pass tests, which include a general examination of urine, blood, biochemical research, tests for AIDS, syphilis, sexually transmitted infections, and in some cases it is advisable to make gemastoziogrammu (full blood count) . Furthermore, it should go through ultrasound of the heart, kidney, fill in the bypass list, which will be the conclusion of specialists such as infectious diseases doctor, physician, surgeon, ophthalmologist, pediatrician and others.
It is also important at this time to make the first ultrasound screening. The doctor will establish the existence of multiple pregnancy, chorionic location, the presence of muscle tone, will determine whether there is a threat of miscarriage, size and neck area of the nasal septum, the distance from the internal os of the chorion, and other facts. This study is conducted on 10-12 week period, usually abdominal manner.
At the request of a woman can do an ultrasound at an earlier stage, for example, to establish the fact of pregnancy, exclude ectopic or in the presence of pathologies.
At this time, you may receive the toxicity, changes in sex drive, mood. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and eventually passes. If toxicosis occurs in severe form, can consult a doctor who will prescribe special preparations. At the same time, many are beginning to take a course of multivitamins, which structure should include vitamin A, E and folic acid. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe drugs that relieve the muscle tone of the uterus.
The second trimester begins from the 13th week and lasts until 27. At that time, appointed a special analysis - AFP - identifying pathology in the development of the fetus. For a period of 15-16 weeks ends with the formation of the placenta, and it is localized in a certain area of the uterus. Doctor prescribes a second screening ultrasound at 22-24 weeks duration. Such a study will reveal the location of the placenta, its size, the amount of amniotic fluid, the size of the fetus, its organs, the state of the cervix and much more, including the child's sex.
Third trimester begins with week 28 and continues up to the birth. At this time, be reappointed blood tests for infections, the third screening ultrasound, which conducts research on the state of the internal os, of the baby, the presence of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, the weight of the child, compliance with gestational ultrasound and more.
In the last trimester is often late gestosis, followed by swelling, shortness of breath, polyhydramnios. Treatment should be in the hospital. If there is a threat of premature birth, you must go to the hospital to maintain, where they will hold a course of tocolytic therapy.
At this time you need to spend more time outdoors, try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, do not be nervous, prepare to meet your baby. It is necessary to collect all the necessary to the hospital, to buy a dowry and child agree with the doctor who will accept delivery.