It is necessary to plan pregnancy. You can not just up and decide that it's time to become parents and "jump into the pool with his head." Medical studies show that early diagnosis of latent infections and various hereditary diseases, help her carry and give birth to a healthy baby.
First of all, both women and men need to get rid of bad habits. This refers to the use of alcohol and cigarettes. Because the toxic substances contained in these products, adversely affect the composition of man's sperm and the work of the reproductive organs in women.
2-3 months before pregnancy a woman needs to visit a gynecologist, turn to him the issue of planning pregnancy and get directions to the most common study: complete blood count, urinalysis, blood test for HIV, AIDS, hepatitis A, B, C, syphilis, Rh factor, blood and blood chemistry. Also, the physician should take a woman smear flora.
Gynecologists recommend women intending to become a mother, to be vaccinated against some dangerous diseases, especially rubella. In order to find out whether the woman was ill with rubella before, you need to donate blood for the presence of antibodies to the disease. If the blood has antibodies to rubella, the body is already acquainted with it, and then vaccinated do not need.
Among the diseases that are considered relatively harmless for adults and children, there are those that are extremely dangerous for pregnant women. For their exclusion should be analyzed on a TORCH-infections. In addition to the analysis of rubella These include studies on toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, and herpes. To donate blood for the presence of antibodies to these infections need to be sure before pregnancy. They increase the risk of congenital malformations of the fetus, and various malformations, until the disability.
If a woman suffers from menstrual disorders, obesity, in her early miscarriage or missed abortion, then it needs to be tested for hormones. List of hormones that are necessary to pass tests should determine gynecologist.