Competently organized schedule - the key to well-being. Pregnant women need a strong healthy sleep, the duration of which must be at least 8-9 hours a day. Help in the daily walks in the fresh air, accompanied by relatives. 2-3 hour stay on the street, and even better spent in a nearby park, not only have a beneficial effect on the general condition, but will also contribute to sound sleep.
During pregnancy, it is recommended to take more douches. When you try to wipe the body gently rubbed his chest with a towel. This will help improve circulation and prepare the breast-feeding for the future.
No less important is nutrition pregnant. Competent selection of products to avoid extra pounds and will provide a full replenishment of the body with essential vitamins and trace elements. That, in turn, have a positive impact on the upcoming birth and health of the unborn child. The diet should be a lot of products that enhance peristalsis - fruits and vegetables rich in fiber; cereals; as well as sour-milk products.
Throughout pregnancy, women should be aware that labor demand from her great physical strength and endurance. It is therefore necessary to take measures to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and abdomen. And this can be achieved only by means of physical loads.
No matter where you are going to do special exercises to prepare the body home, using multiple instructions for pregnant women; courses at the women's clinic; in special groups in the health fitness centers. The main thing - do exercises that will strengthen the necessary muscle groups.