How to prepare for conception

How to prepare for conception
 Many couples start planning approach of the child long before its conception. After all, the health of a future baby begins to be laid from birth, or even from the moment of conception, and long before that. To prepare for conception is necessary to create the best conditions for the emergence of a new life within you.
 In order to have a healthy baby, that will delight you - parents need to prepare for this important event in your family life. Since the disturbing factors that can affect your entire future life, unfortunately, quite a lot. If a woman many years postponed the birth of the baby, doing at this time building career and study, while accumulating various diseases and accompanying all this bad habits, in this case, it is difficult to rely on a healthy baby.

If you are a long time to take birth control pills, you need three months before pregnancy planning to stop taking them. During this time, your body will get rid of the remnants of the hormonal drug that tends to impede the absorption of trace elements and minerals. Therefore, in this period, it is recommended to be protected using a barrier method of contraception - caps or condoms. But if you become pregnant - do not worry, as modern drugs do not adversely affect the course of pregnancy and health of the unborn baby.

Should immediately give up bad habits, as smoking and alcohol consumption may prevent onset of pregnancy or have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. Even small amounts of alcohol reduce by 50% the ability to conceive, and prevents the attachment of the embryo. Nicotine adversely affects the reproductive system. Discard the excess medication (antibiotics, allergy or high blood pressure).

Refer to the clinic for a complete examination (hand over all analyzes), which will give you a complete picture of your health (even if you think you have all the right to health). If your body contains any disease or infection - the doctor you appoint a course of treatment and appropriate vaccinations.

Spend more time outdoors, do some light sport or swimming and avoid stress.
Your daily diet should contain products of various food categories are particularly important dairy and meat products, fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and nuts. Constant diet, rapid weight loss and poor nutrition may suspend ovulation in women and reduce the quality of male sperm. Obesity and overeating also affect fertility.

Tags: child, conception, planning, preparation