With irregular monthly cycle duration of pregnancy is established on other grounds. For example, it is possible to make the size of the uterus during the inspection on the gynecological chair. Another method, more accurate - is to check the level of hormones in a woman's body. In particular, it concerns the number gonadorpina chorionic blood, otherwise called hCG. It increases with each day of pregnancy and particularly revealing in the early stages. There are special tables with indicators of the norms of this hormone for each day after conception. If the index does not meet the standards, it may indicate an unusual pregnancy. Lack of hCG could mean the stood or ectopic pregnancy, and an overabundance - twins.
Also helps in determining the terms and ultrasound. In this case, the doctor relies on the data size of the fetus. An additional factor - a notable appearance for women perturbations. They usually appear in the twentieth week of pregnancy. But this figure is very individual. Fat women usually feel perturbation later than thin. In the second and subsequent pregnancies corresponding sensations may arise in eighteen weeks.