Effect on the immune system of pregnancy

Effect on the immune system of pregnancy
 Pregnancy has a very strong effect on the immune system, weakening it. This leads to unpleasant consequences: the body can not resist certain infections and if the expectant mother does not take care of your health, it runs the risk of ill.
 Pregnancy - is a lot of stress on the body. As part of the genetic information inherited from his father, in the body of the expectant mother is only half the fruit compatible with it. Foreign elements - antigens - the female body is trying to suppress with antibodies. This greatly increases the load on the immune system, causing it to weaken. As a result, even a woman with good health during childbearing can become much more vulnerable to infectious diseases and in particular for SARS. That is why the expectant mother should carefully monitor their well-being and try to avoid contact with sick people.

The first signs of depression of the immune system are observed after 1, 5-2 months after conception. During this period of pregnancy in a woman's blood, there are many biologically active substances, which are designed to help her body to adapt more quickly to the new state. These substances reduce the effectiveness of the immune system and weaken it. In addition, the body of a pregnant have to work for two, which further increases the load. Every month the mother to have to give more strength to support the development of the fetus. As a result, the resources that previously supported the immune system, is spent on the future kid.

To strengthen the immune system, pregnant should reconsider your diet. It is especially important to 5-6 month of pregnancy, when some women iron levels in the blood drops to a critical level, which in turn adversely affects the condition of the immune system. Use vitamin complexes recommended by your doctor, and go on a healthy diet. To strengthen the immune system and make up for the lack of vitamins, eat buckwheat, lean meat and fish, vegetables, fruit, drink freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk.

Tags: during pregnancy, immunity, impact