Natural sources of vitamin B9 - is spinach leaves, parsley and other vegetables (hence the name of the vitamin - folium - Lat. "Leaf"). Furthermore, folic acid containing tomato fruit, meat, eggs, cheese, egg yolk, some kinds of nuts and beans. Thus, in the normal state, a person can meet demand for vitamin through food.
However, vitamin almost completely destroyed by heat treatment of products. In times of great changes, growth or associated with vitamin deficiency diseases, in addition to products, it is necessary to take special drugs that folic acid is absorbed better than the food.
Preparations containing vitamin prescribed by the physician. Based on the history, he defines the dosage and frequency of administration, so the proposed recommendations below are generic and may not be appropriate in particular cases. Before using any medication, consult with a specialist.
Treatment of beriberi is 20-30 days. The dosage for an adult - not more than 5 mg per day, children the dosage is determined depending on the age and weight.
For prophylactic purposes adults can take up to 200 micrograms of vitamin per day, children according to the age and 100 micrograms per day. Pregnant and lactating doctor may prescribe respectively 400 mcg and 300 mcg per day. Also medications and necessary to monitor for supply. Normalize vitamin helps fresh vegetables, liver, nuts, grains, eggs and other products.
When receiving the active vitamin B9 often decrease the amount of vitamin B12, which can lead to anemia and neurological diseases.
When antibiotics blood tests may give a distorted (often underestimated) data on the amount of the vitamin in the blood.