Modern spermicide - a chemical neutralizing sperm based ointment (gel, etc.), enveloping the vagina and cervix so that no sperm are not able to penetrate into the "forbidden zone" - the female uterus. To the effect of this method of contraception was the maximum, you must follow the instructions included with each set of tubes or spermicides. Doctors recommend with spermicide use barrier protection - condoms, diaphragms and caps.
This is, primarily, shows the use of spermicides? Spermicide (based on benzalkonium chloride) can be used even pregnant and lactating women. They are safe for women with serious hormonal disorders, or have recently undergone surgery. Benzalkonium chloride does not penetrate any blood or breast milk. Despite the fact that the reliability of spermicide does not exceed 95%, they are widely used and women who perform medical advice, and ladies, do not embarrass yourself regular sexual intercourse.
As with any contraceptive, spermicide has a number of side effects. So spermicides with active ingredients like nonoksilona or menfegol can cause allergic reactions and irritation, and the active use - and cystitis. To somewhat reduce the risk of irritation, it is recommended to use different forms in which such funds are available. Better to use tablets at elevated secretory function of the vagina, candles - normal, and the cream is indispensable for additional moisture vaginal mucosa.
What else should pay attention when using spermicides? That their effect applies only to the time of sexual intercourse. So if you and your partner tireless and passionate lovers, you have to think about the fact that it adequately took your methods of contraception. All the more so in their application can not bathe for 2 hours before and 2 hours after intercourse.