What can and can not do after the birth?

What can and can not do after the birth?
 A woman after childbirth is little time for self-care and attention. Note, however, that the body has recently given birth, women are particularly sensitive. Therefore, physicians make lists of recommendations that a woman should do after childbirth, and what can it hurt.

Power postpartum women

Limitations and recommendations for nutrition relate primarily to mothers who breastfeed. In the first three days after birth, all mothers, even those whose children are bottle-fed, should not drink too much water. The following restrictions apply only to nursing mothers.

Throughout lactation, even if, when the breast milk will be accompanied by complementary feeding should not drink alcoholic beverages and smoking. Also in the first three months after birth, doctors strongly recommend limiting consumption of foods that can cause a child's intestinal gas - black bread, peas, beans, fresh grapes.

Nursing mother does not necessarily through the power of eating for two. If she feels fine and the baby is gaining weight, it is best to use a normal amount of food for themselves.

Care must be taken to use tea and coffee: it is best to consume these drinks no more than once a day and in a diluted form.

Separately to say about potential allergens. In principle, any product can cause allergies in the newborn through the milk, but there are several that cause allergies most often - chocolate, strawberry, honey, eggs, nuts, oranges. The mother is not obliged to abandon them for the entire feeding period, but their use should pay special attention. For example, if after you ate honey and fed the baby, he started a rash, then there is a risk that he is allergic to this product and honey should be excluded from the diet of the mother until the end of lactation.

At the same time, there are products that, on the contrary, it is highly recommended for nursing mothers. For example, the day possible and desirable to drink about half a liter of fermented milk products. Suitable kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural yogurt. You can also supplement the diet of cottage cheese and sour cream. Nursing mother allowed different kinds of meat, cereals and white bread, almost all vegetables and fruits. Women with problems with lactation are also encouraged to eat and drink special products for nursing mothers. They can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Intimate life

Births impose certain restrictions on the sexual life of women. If the birth took place without any injuries - cuts, tears, and others - that sex life opportunities for women through 4 weeks after birth, unless the doctor advises otherwise. In the case of injuries and suturing term abstinence need to be doubled. For the first time since the resumption of sex life should be especially wary of genital infections - against the backdrop of microtrauma of the vagina and uterus, they may be particularly negative impact on the body.

Even if women have not yet occurred monthly, she should think about prevention, because ovulation can occur suddenly. The easiest and safest way - the use of condoms. There are also pill permitted even nursing mothers. You can register their gynecologist. And with the installation of the helix will have to wait - it is not suitable for the protection of one month after birth.

Physical activity

Recently gave birth to a woman should pay careful attention to their physical activity. Within six weeks after childbirth can not lift heavy objects weighing more than 6.5 kg.

It should also be wary of sports. Strength Training is not recommended for women after pregnancy and during breastfeeding. However, this does not mean that there should be the mother of physical activity. Two weeks after delivery, if you did not have tears or cesarean section, you can start to do gymnastics. Avoid abdominal exercises, but add the turn of the body, swings his arms and legs, stretching, warm-up back. A good tool to keep fit can be brisk walking. This load can be organized even with a newborn, regularly going out with a stroller in the park.

Have recently given birth to a nice view gymnastics can be a yoga or pilates.

What can and can not do after the birth?

Another useful view of the load may be swimming. The first month of swimming in the waters you will be contraindicated, and subsequently pool can help you lose weight after childbirth and cause the muscles in tone.

Hygiene after childbirth

For some time after delivery in women continue spotting similar to plentiful monthly. In this period is particularly attentive to personal hygiene. Should buy gel for intimate hygiene and wash him crotch at least 2 times a day, and preferably more often. While copious use special pads for new mothers. Later, you can go to the usual monthly period. Wash in this period only need a shower - bath can hurt you. Also banned swimming in other ponds. If you have pain or severe discomfort, consult a gynecologist - in the period after childbirth to women's health should be treated very carefully.

Tags: body, child, mother, birth, gender, ambassador, a young woman