This method can be used to determine pregnancy at the earliest timing. If there is a delay menstruation for 1 day, buy in a drugstore fresh test with no expiration date. The best time to diagnosis - early morning, when the urine contains the highest possible amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG hormone-specific). Plate test impregnated reagent, which is very sensitive to the presence of hCG. To be 100% sure of the results, a study for two or three consecutive days.
Basal temperature
When the delay cycle the next day you can measure the basal temperature. To do this, right after waking up, enter medical thermometer into the rectum to a depth of 2 cm. If the temperature exceeds 37 ° C, it is likely that the pregnancy.
Laboratory tests
By analyzing the blood from a vein can determine pregnancy within 10 days after conception. Under laboratory conditions, determine the level of trophoblastic beta-globulin - a specific hormone found in the blood of pregnant women and not only confirm the pregnancy, but also to define the terms.
Ultrasound diagnosis
Ultrasound shows the presence of pregnancy after 3 weeks after the alleged conception. The survey should take all the women who assume a pregnancy to make sure that the fertilized egg in the uterus was fixed. With transabdominal and transvaginal examination can determine not only the fact of pregnancy, but also the most accurate timing, see the fertilized egg and place attachment. In ectopic pregnancy, all the test methods of examination will not be able to identify the pathological process that threatens the life and health of the woman.