Pros and cons of hormonal contraception

Pros and cons of hormonal contraception
 Today, you can choose any method of contraception from a variety of offers. The most effective are hormonal. However, some women are afraid to use them, arguing that hormonal contraception violates the natural hormones and leads to irreversible consequences.

The most widely used method of contraception using hormone pills. Modern contraceptive pills act by contained synthetic analogues of female hormones. While taking these pills hormonal changes and approaches the hormonal background pregnant. As a result, there is no simple release of an egg from the ovary. Developments in the field of hormonal methods aimed at to reduce hormone levels. Pharmacists provide funds that would contain the minimum amount of estrogen and progestogen and still be safe.

The main disadvantage of birth control pills is that they must be taken regularly and consistently. Often women in a series of everyday worries pass reception, which can lead to pregnancy. If this happens to you, take the next day two tablets, but in the remaining days before menstruation, use a condom.

Sometimes, starting hormonal pills, women are faced with a problem like headache, discharge, breast engorgement, or nausea. Thus, the body adapts to the new state. If after 2-3 cycles of these symptoms do not pass, pick another drug.

Another problem - the increase in weight. Some synthetic analogues progestogen contribute to fluid retention in the body. In this case it is necessary to change the drug. Tablets also cause an increase in appetite during the first months. Just keep yourself in the hands and control your diet, then you will not get better.

When this hormone pills help normalize the menstrual cycle and ease premenstrual syndrome. Stabilization of hormonal levels reduces the oiliness of the skin, and hence the appearance of acne. It also slows the growth of facial hair.

Lack of ovulation allows the ovaries to "rest." This gives a certain therapeutic effect: reduces the risk of inflammation of the ovaries and uterine cancer. Also receiving many hormone pills is the prevention of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area.

Sometimes gynecologists used hormonal contraception in the treatment of infertility. Ovarian give rest, and then abruptly stop taking drugs. Against the background of hormonal release in the body often comes long-awaited pregnancy.

To date, hormone pills - the most reliable way of female contraception.

Another development in this area - the vaginal ring "NuvaRing." This flexible small ring inserted into the vagina and releases microscopic daily dose of estrogen - 15 micrograms. Hormones directly into the blood, relieving the load liver and kidneys. Ring allows you to safely engage in sports, and remember it just once a month.

The only negative is that a foreign body in the vagina can disrupt the natural microflora and become the cause of thrush.

Some girls prefer hormone injections. "Cyclofem" Depo-Provera "," Noristerat and "Messigina" valid for three months and prevent conception. But these facilities do not contain an estrogen, so their efficiency is lower than that of combined oral contraceptives. Long-term violation of the cycle (three months) does not benefit the ovaries. Besides, you can not interrupt their own action. Have to wait for the entire duration of action.

In many antenatal clinics can be seen advertising hormonal intrauterine devices. These means are placed in the uterine cavity and release small doses of the hormone. Contraceptive effect lasts for 7 years.
Hormones such as spiral "Mirena" are used for medicinal purposes. Its setting is the prevention of ovarian dysfunction.

Unfortunately, like the vaginal ring, IUD is alien body. Its prolonged presence in the uterus may cause inflammatory diseases. Besides, the cervix is ​​always slightly opened state and a gateway for infections.

Development of Pharmacology today allows to opt for the right tools capable of solving complex problems because of your body. The most important thing when choosing you should consult your gynecologist.

Tags: ovary background tablet hormone content level estrogen spiral injection dysfunction stabilization NuvaRing