Pregnancy and completeness

Pregnancy and completeness
 Having a child in the family - a great happiness. Bringing to life a new man, a woman is implemented as a mother, gets a feeling of fullness of life, but, unfortunately, says goodbye to the girl's figure. In addition to varicose veins and stretch marks, pregnancy often provokes the appearance of excess weight.

The recommended weight gain for the entire period of pregnancy is about 12, 8 kg, of which (all figures are approximate): 3, 5 kg - the weight of the child, 0, 7 kg - the weight of child seats, 0, 9 kg - amniotic fluid, 1 kg - an increase uterus, 0, 5 kg - increasing the weight of the mammary glands, 1, 2 kg - uterine blood volume, 1, 5 kg - increasing cellular fluid, and 3, 5 kg - adipose tissue. At the same time, according to experts, in the first trimester of pregnancy weight women should increase by an average of 1, 5-2 kg; in the second trimester - at 6-7 kg, in the third trimester - at 4-5 kg.

Unfortunately, not always possible to fit within the specified parameters. During pregnancy, the body is "working to build." As a woman, on the idea of ​​nature, will not only labor, but also the subsequent feeding your baby breast milk, metabolism rearranged so as to create a reserve of energy in the body, essential for this process. The energy is stored as fat that is deposited on the typical "problem" areas: thighs, buttocks, hips, shoulders. Excessive deposition of fat contribute to irregular eating habits: the use of a large number of "bad" fats and carbohydrates.

"Bad" fats - a noxious animal fats contained in large amounts in fried foods, but also in the production of sausage, some types of confectionery and baking. If you choose, for example, cookies at the store, pay attention to its composition: if the fat content of more than 12-15 grams, the product should be replaced with less fat. An excellent alternative to fried foods make steamed, baked, cooked in a microwave oven or Aerogrill dishes: in such ways of cooking fat in the diet can be reduced to a minimum. Eating sausages recommended significantly limit, and do better to abandon them in favor of lean meat, from which you can prepare a variety of delicious and healthy dishes: cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, steamed meatballs, goulash, homemade ravioli, meat in the pot ... When buying dairy products , prefer less fat.

However, in the fight against "bad" fats should remember that there are "good" fats that your body during pregnancy, in contrast, are very necessary. Such fats contained in various kinds of vegetable oils, primarily in unrefined sunflower and olive. In addition, a huge favor and mom and baby will bring the consumption of fish, including the oil-rich, containing omega-3 and omega-6. These "good" fats, try to include in the diet every day in the amount of 40-50 grams. Note that moderate consumption of eggs and butter during pregnancy also welcome. In order to correctly determine the fat content of a particular product, it is desirable to use special tables with an indication of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in various foods, as well as scrutinize the labels of products purchased in the package.

The "bad" carbohydrates found in confectionery, refined products, from which should be abandoned. Useful source of carbohydrates are fruits, berries, pasta from durum wheat, cereals and vegetables.

During pregnancy diet is usually not recommended, the maximum that can assign doctor - fasting days on a low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Recently, however, there was still a diet that does not contain prohibitions on the use of any products, while at the same time contribute to weight loss, which can observe and pregnant. We are talking about the "System -60" Catherine Mirimanova, which can be found here:

In addition to fat deposition, pregnancy is often accompanied by swelling, which also produce a significant weight gain. Doctors advise pregnant women suffering from edema, limit the amount of fluids you drink, but in practice such a measure often brings more misery pregnant thirst than good in the fight against edema. Great strides to combat swelling can be achieved by reducing salt intake. Completely exclude salt from the diet should not, as a chemical element is required by the body in small amounts.

In addition to proper nutrition in the prevention of completeness will also help to moderate physical activity: walking, gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming.

If during pregnancy you still gain extra pounds, do not despair: according to psychologist Perinatology, a consultant on breastfeeding JV Constantinople, after 9 months of breast-feeding woman again becomes slim without special diets. Well, if breastfeeding does not take place, after delivery, you can choose a suitable diet to bring the figure in order.

Tags: during pregnancy, completeness