Modern methods of prevention: what to choose?

Modern methods of prevention: what to choose?
 There are many ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy: condoms, birth control pills, hormonal ring, IUD, and others. Evaluate whether the benefits of a and select the appropriate method must individually.
 Visit a gynecologist, who, after examination and the results of analyzes required to advise the appropriate method of contraception for you. Advantages of condoms are availability and ease of use. If these products are correctly used, the efficiency of the method will reach 100%. In addition, it protects against diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. This method is suitable for those who do not have regular sexual partner or not is a regular sex life. The disadvantages are the allergic reaction that sometimes occur in men. In addition, the condom could break or slip off during intercourse.

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped latex cup that is inserted into the vagina for a few minutes before intercourse, it seals the cervix. It can be used many times. The effectiveness of this method of contraception, about 80%. It protects against diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. The diaphragm is not convenient to apply to all, for its introduction required skills, it refers to the shortcomings of the method of protection. During sexual intercourse can cause pain.

The specialist may recommend oral contraceptives. Tablets contain usually 2 hormone - gestagen and estrogen. Oral contraceptives provide the most effective protection against unwanted pregnancy, give a guarantee about 100% with regular use. The disadvantage is that they do not protect against STDs, so the method is suitable for people with regular partners. Furthermore, the tablets have contraindications, side effects.

Hormonal ring is sufficiently flexible means of containing hormones that prevent pregnancy. The efficiency is greater than 99%. Sexual activity does not interfere with the ring. But this method has contraindications, therefore, necessary to consult a doctor before use.

Intrauterine device complicates the movement of sperm and prevents attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. IUDs are of two kinds: drug and non-drug. Spiral certainly reliably protects against pregnancy. But it is not recommended to nulliparous women. The method increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases through, the Navy is one of the most common methods of protection.

In a separate group should include implants that are inserted under the skin of the patient and are hormonal capsule. Specialist introduces implant under the skin of the forearm and left for up to 5 years. This creates a reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy. After the introduction it is almost imperceptible. The method is not suitable for those who in the near future childbearing plans to set capsules require surgery under local anesthesia. Remove hormone capsule can only be a specialist.

Contraceptive patch is a modern contraceptives. Every day, it allocates a certain dose of hormones that enter directly into the blood. When properly implemented, the efficiency exceeds 99%. This method is not for everyone, before applying should go to the gynecologist.

Tags: method, the method protection