How to choose the most reliable test for pregnancy

How to choose the most reliable test for pregnancy
 The principle of operation of all known pregnancy tests based on the detection of urinary hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is produced by the placenta formed the ovum and appears in the urine for 7-8 days of conception.

On the surface of the test, there are two areas - diagnostic and control. Investigated surface impregnated reagent which consists of antibodies to hCG. The principle of operation of the test is that the urine is applied to the test surface and reacts with hCG. In the case of pregnancy, there are two bright pink stripes, if pregnancy is not - alone.

Pregnancy tests are of three types: a test strip, the test system with a reservoir, tablet and jet tests. They are arranged in different ways, but the principle of operation is the same for all tests.

Test strips are the first generation of tests on the device are very simple and less sensitive than tests of a new generation.
To identify the result you need to collect urine in a clean container and place it in the strip. If the surface of the test there are two strips - you are pregnant. If one, there is no pregnancy.

The set of test systems include a reservoir tank for collection of urine. On the outside of the tank is a window test part is built inside. Test portion absorb the required amount of urine, and soon in the test window looms result.

Tablet tests are more sensitive. On the surface there are two window. They work as follows: urine is applied to the test pipette attached to one of the windows. Drops of urine, getting on a special fabric inside the tablet to melt invisible reagent strips and join with him in response. In another window shows the result.

Inkjet tests belong to the third generation of tests and are the most advanced and reliable. To determine pregnancy using the jet test is sufficient to substitute the tip of the test under a stream of urine. The result will appear in a few minutes.
They work in such a way that the fibrous rod rises to test urine of test reagent.
Inkjet tests are very sensitive and do not give error even at the minimum content of hCG in urine.

When is it best to conduct a pregnancy test

After pregnancy hCG appears first in the blood, and then in the urine but at lower concentrations. A pregnancy test detects the presence of hCG in urine for 11-15 days after the last ovulation. The lower the threshold sensitivity of the test, the sooner it will determine pregnancy.
In early pregnancy hCG levels may not be sufficient for identification. However, the morning urine concentration increases. Therefore, in the very early stages of pregnancy, morning test is reliable for daytime or evening.

Important to know:
1. Before the test refrain from excessive fluid intake.
2. To perform the test, use only fresh urine.

Tags: pregnancy test