How to choose contraceptives

How to choose contraceptives
 Health and safety - that's what can not be ignored, even during the most romantic night. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should use contraception. However, selecting them, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.
 Is a group of contraceptive techniques or drugs that inhibit egg fertilization and thus prevent the development of pregnancy. In addition, they can solve some of the problems associated with health risks. However, not all contraceptives can protect against infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. For example, hormonal pills, diaphragms, caps, coil, etc. help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but they do not guarantee safety in terms of health after having sex with untested partner. Therefore, when choosing methods of contraception should pay attention to this point, especially when frequent changes of lovers.

On hormonal and intrauterine contraception can stay at constant intimate relationships, while the barrier methods (spermicides, condoms, etc.) are more suitable for women who have sex regularly. And for this reason they do not need a daily contraceptive protection.

Also, before you give preference to one or the other means of contraception should be considered another important factor - the state of health. It is no secret that any medicine has its contraindications. Thus, some hormonal pills, injections, implants can exacerbate osteoporosis affect the cardiovascular system, etc. In addition, among them are those which are not compatible with certain types of drugs. Therefore, before using these drugs should consult with your doctor.

The next thing you should look for when choosing - age. For example, for young girls gynecologists do not recommend the use of intrauterine devices, and women older than 35 years should be approached with caution selection of hormonal methods.

But, nevertheless, the same requirement for all contraceptive methods is their reliability and ease of use. And let every woman wishes for their safe sex, but it is worth remembering that there is no universal remedy, and that any method has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of contraception must be approached carefully, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the advice of a doctor.

Tags: means of selection