How do you know about pregnancy in early pregnancy

How do you know about pregnancy in early pregnancy
 Diagnose a pregnancy can be yourself, even before the campaign to the gynecologist. There are several probable and suspected signs indicating that the body was born a new life.
 Changes in the body during the ensuing pregnancy begins a few days after fertilization. In particular, the first end of the second week, a woman may manifest bleeding implantation. Given that over time it often coincides with the expected menstruation, some simply believe that they have begun menstruating. However, selection, indicating that the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, are very poor and short-lived. They are accompanied by usually the same symptoms as menstruation, i.e. pulling pain in the abdomen, and general weakness.

In early pregnancy have become pregnant woman, as a rule, there is a continuous fatigue. Changes in the hormonal background of the organism make pregnant then cry, then get angry over nothing, experience a sudden irritation. May occur early in the first trimester and dizziness, aching lower back, someone raised the pressure.

Familiar to all the films and books tentative signs of pregnancy - morning sickness (nausea) and new eating habits. Of course, they do not appear at all, but if you really want to seize the woman suddenly herring ice cream and pickles - Eclair, she has a reason to buy a pregnancy test.

Among the common physiological features - breast swelling, dark halo around the nipples, and itching and burning genitals, copious mucus, frequent urination. However, some breast can increase and before the next menstruation and other symptoms are often harbingers of thrush (candidiasis) or cystitis. Therefore, to learn about the likelihood of pregnancy, women are increasingly turning to high-performance medical practices.

In today's widely used method for the diagnosis of hCG - blood test chorionic gonadotropin, which produces a shell nucleus. Analysis can be taken in the laboratory within a week after the probability of conception. By the way, home pregnancy tests also determine the concentration of hCG, but not in the blood and in the urine, where it is less. Therefore, the test is recommended to do after the delay period.

Tags: analysis time, pregnancy test period, a sign