Hormonal contraception: the pros and cons?

Hormonal contraception: the pros and cons?
 Women, for quite a long time consisted in a serious relationship and want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies, often make their choice in favor of hormonal contraception. People's perceptions of hormonal contraceptives differ. Some believe that hormonal contraception brings a woman's health only harm. Others believe that without it in today's world simply can not do.

Advantages and benefits of hormonal contraception

If you are using a woman of means of hormonal contraception, both partners get much more pleasure from intimate contact than with condoms.

Most women refuse to use means of hormonal contraception, having heard rumors that as a result of their use greatly increased body weight. In fact, when properly administered and taking drugs weight women really can change, but not more than a couple of pounds.

After taking the drug hormonal contraception skin on the face and body of a woman becomes much clearer: fade acne, acne, various rashes associated with an imbalance of hormones in the body.

The amount of unwanted hair on some parts of the body decreases. Naturally, this occurs only if regular use of drugs.

Hormonal contraceptives, among other things, help to build the woman's menstrual cycle and reduce the likelihood of pain during menstruation.

Supplementation of hormonal contraception increases the volume and elasticity of a woman's breasts.

Scientists have proved the fact that the use of hormonal contraceptives reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Cons hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraception preparations should be taken daily, and preferably at the same time. Violation of this rule may result in decreased effectiveness.

None of the drugs hormonal contraception can not protect sexual partners from infection, sexually transmitted diseases.

At the same time taking some medicines, the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives may be somewhat reduced.

Too long (2-3 years) use of hormonal contraceptive drugs can cause infertility in women.

Choose the right one or the other drug hormonal contraception for women can only specialist, after referring to the state of her health and the reproductive system.

Tags: contraception