History of Contraception

History of Contraception
 The history of contraception deserves special attention. Many religious dogmas argue that having children is governed by a higher power, and every sexual intercourse should take place only in order to continue the human race. And, therefore, any obstacles during this intercourse conception unacceptable. However, mankind has been going on for thousands of years is not willing to accept it as a fact, stubbornly inventing various methods of contraception. What can you do sex - one of the basic and very pleasant area of ​​our lives. Reduce to a minimum the people not only do not want to - many is simply not do.  

And to give birth to a huge number of descendants impractical - human cubs, unlike the offspring of animals, require for their development of special conditions and increased attention. It is not enough simply to give them life - a child still need to grow up healthy and, if possible, happy. That humanity had to invent all sorts of ways of preventing pregnancy, so as not to bear the unfortunate children and, thus, do not deny yourself the pleasure of regular intimacy.

Ancient contraception

History of Contraception started a long time ago. Its first invention was probably coitus interruptus. When and who made a similar action is not known, but this method is very effective and practiced until now. However, in a fit of passion has always been difficult for men to control their actions, so our praprapradeda hard to find other ways of protection, allowing them to completely relax and forget about everything.

The most ancient documents showing that our ancestors also used contraceptives are Egyptian papyri, which describe various methods of contraception. It turns out that in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, Egyptian women taking steam baths, inserted into the vagina all kinds of pasta, vegetable broths, and even crocodile dung. Based on these documents, the first contraceptive swab soaked in all of these drugs, there was still one and a half thousand years BC.

History of Contraception India includes a rather curious way of protection. Uterus, using different massaging, slipped back, so it became inaccessible for fertilization. American Indian women in ancient times washed vagina decoction of the bark of mahogany and lemon. African and Australian weaker sex used for this purpose all kinds of vegetable matter and Sumatra even used opium.

As for the ancestors of the Romans and Greeks, highly respected orgy, for them the issue of contraception was particularly relevant. They prevent pregnancy by means of various methods, among which - the introduction into the vagina resins, cedar mixture of apples, elephant dung. In historical documents of ancient Greece and there is mention of the prototypes of condoms, which are covers of parchment impregnated with a special compound fabrics, fish bladders and intestines of animals.

Chinese, creating ahistory of contraception, Preferred viewing pleasure in the vagina of mercury, the Japanese - a thin skin and oiled bamboo leaf, serving the likes of current natural condom.

But in old Europehistory of contraception started relatively recently - too were strong in this region of the planet rigid foundations of the Christian religion. However, the rapidly spreading among the population syphilis forced to cede the church. And in the seventeenth century, Europeans began to widely used as a prophylactic, and along with contraceptives, vinegar soaked cotton swabs and paper. Practiced in those days, and placed in front of the cervix lemon peel.

Modern contraception

Of course, many of the oldest methods of contraception cause significant harm to the health of women, but the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy scare a lot more - they could just be fatal. Question the need for contraception is very acute in our unfettered time, because kontsetratseptivy great help to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases. So now, when casual sex are common, they have become a necessity.

A good part of their modern contraceptive methods was invented by the ancient tried and tested methods. Newhistory of contraception began in the mid-sixteenth century, when the cap was established for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. He was put on the head of the penis and can serve as a good protection against all sorts of trouble. Two centuries later appeared cervical cap, and a little later - condoms. Later, doctors invented intrauterine devices, which were originally made of silver and gold.

A little later appeared and combined hormonal kontsetrapevticheskie drugs.

Pros and cons of contraceptive methods

Protect yourself from conception and various sexually transmitted diseases, there is quite a lot. One of the fairly well-known physiological methods of contraception - Ogino method. It lies in the rejection of sexual intercourse during the period beginning on the eleventh day of the menstrual cycle and ending at its eighteenth day. We can not say that this method is very popular. Menstrual cycle, many women are not constant, so to determine the exact time of abstinence is often not possible.

Fairly reliable protection against unwanted conception - IUDs. The main disadvantage of such spirals - they should be changed every two years, it turns out not always.

Very common methods of contraception and disease - hormonal pills, but their constant use of undesirable - it can lead to a hormonal crash.

Good, based on allhistory of contraception, A way to avoid trouble during intimacy - vaginal tablets, creams, gels, sprays or suppositories that are entered directly into the vagina before sexual intercourse. They provide for a time full of contraception, but have a number of contraindications, so is not for everyone.

Well, and, finally, time-tested means of contraception - the famous condoms, which options on the market today presented more than enough. Condoms are cheap and available. However, one can say that they have a high degree of reliability, because they can break or simply be substandard. In addition, a number of inconveniences condoms delivered in application reduce sensitivity and may cause some discomfort with intimacy, so not all like.

Before choosing a method of contraception, it is advisable to consult a specialist. He will choose the best option to protect, by means of which sex would be as secure as possible in all respects.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: development, contraception