Sex during pregnancy: benefit and harm

Sex during pregnancy: benefit and harm
 Pregnancy - a strong argument to refuse sex partner. But is it really? Sex during pregnancy is not always harmful, and often even good. But this issue should be approached individually and resolve all issues by the attending physician. And only then make a decision - you need it or not.

Seeing the two red stripes on the pregnancy test, some women clearly decide for themselves what sex they will not engage in up to the birth. The decision was not the right, as the sex brings not only harmful, but also benefit. During intercourse occurs cervical preparation for passing on her baby. Soft mechanical shocks contribute to its development. It is worth noting that the sperm softens the mucous membrane, making it more elastic.

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy in a woman inspire confidence and peace of mind. If we exclude from the life of a pregnant sex at all, there may be a nervous breakdown. Also, during the "hunger strike", which is ungrounded begin and family scandals, because the opposite half can not understand why you can not, if the doctor is not forbidden. If you remorse that you will deliver your baby discomfort, feel free to drop those thoughts. The fruit is protected not only the cervix, but also the mucous plug, so the inside can not get anything. A mechanical movement can not interfere with the baby, because while walking, special charging it too is experiencing a kind of rocking motion.

If you have been assigned a risk of miscarriage, of course, sexual relationships should be excluded. You also can not do all these things, if you have a slightly leaking amniotic fluid, so as to place a high risk infection in the womb. In the first weeks of pregnancy, and in the following, if you have seen a strong tone of the uterus, then sex can cause miscarriage or premature birth, for this reason, such a relationship should be deleted at a time or up to the birth.

To have sex or not - it's you and your doctor. But remember, if you feel great, and there is no threat of miscarriage, then sex will bring you only benefits not only physically, but also psychologically. If you have very bad pregnancy proceeds, and there uterine tone and other abnormalities, consult your doctor. The doctor can weigh the risks and say for sure whether it is possible sex during pregnancy or not. Their own arrangements can not, because women do not always know about all deviations during pregnancy and can not by themselves resolve this issue.

Tags: time, pregnancy, sex, use, damage