During pregnancy, women body weight gradually increases, and this means that the load on the spine increases. By the end of the first trimester may appear frequent back pain, which are then amplified with each passing month, if no action is taken. Furthermore, due to the enhanced production of estrogen increases the mobility of the spine, which may cause microtraumas. That is why even in the early months of pregnancy, women should take care of yourself, do not overwork, and forget about the transport of loads.
Since the center of gravity shifts forward, changing the direction of the anatomical axis of the spine. New, unusual posture, combined with gradually increases the load leads to back pain even some happy owners of a healthy spine. Back pain are also associated with changes in hormonal levels. For example, the hormone relaxin promotes the gradual stretching of intercostals joints of the pelvis, partly thereby facilitating the birth process and at the same time increasing the load on the spine. As a result, there are unpleasant sensations in the back, waist, and pain in the legs.
A pregnant woman should be prepared for the fact that her spine have to bear the additional constraints. It is recommended that the first weeks of pregnancy gymnastics, strengthening the back muscles and helping the body to gradually get used to changing posture. In addition, a good option would be to use a special bandage, through which you can minimize the load on the spine and get rid of back pain. Such precautions are not only facilitate the process of carrying a child, but also help to prepare for the first month after birth of the baby when the mother is often necessary to carry a child in her arms.