The new method tested many couples and stayed away ecstatic. The composition of the injection does not contain anything criminal, only testosterone, and in an amount which is necessary for a good man existence.
His body remains the same, neither he nor the others do not notice any changes. They notice only male testicles. Because the body has sufficient testosterone, they no longer need to produce this hormone. And no hormone - and there is no sperm maturation.
To maintain blood levels of testosterone injections have to be repeated every 8 weeks. That is enough once in two months and do not need to prick his wife every day to swallow tablets or think of other ways of protection.
To restore fertility, too, nothing special needs to be done. After a certain time, testosterone levels in the blood begin to decline, which will push the testicles to work, forcing them to produce its own hormones that cause the male sperm will once again be able to fertilize. The recovery period takes between 3 to 5 months since the last injection.