Contraception after giving birth

Contraception after giving birth
 Here and gone, finally, the difficult nine months of pregnancy. Childbirth and all related fears are behind, and our lives, with the advent of the house a little man, has changed dramatically. Now I have to give him a lot of time and effort, not forgetting, at the same time, and about their own health. A shake is the health of many factors can, because the body of recent mothers are extremely weak and unarmed, even in the weakest negative impact. What else can be said about the subsequent pregnancy, which can significantly undermine the already fragile health. About what threatens this pregnancy, and what should be the postpartum contraception, women's magazine tells JustLady.  

Why do I need contraception after birth

Many young mothers are convinced that as long as there is continued breastfeeding and menstrual cycle has not recovered, pregnancy does not occur. Therefore, to love life in this period of time they are pretty lightly, believing thatprotection after childbirth - Excessive precaution. And it is in vain. Even in the absence of menstruation when feeding baby breast lactation crisis occurs, during which the probability of pregnancy is high enough. Therefore, it can occur even before the first menstruation. And it is very, very desirable. Doctors say that a woman's body is fully restored only after a year or two, before the same for bearing new fruit he's just not ready. Therefore, too great a risk of various complications for the unborn child and for his mother.

New pregnancy can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia in women significantly increases the risk of premature birth and miscarriage. In addition, it could adversely affect the normal development of the fetus, and often leads to a variety of pathological changes. Well, and, finally, even if everything - and pregnancy and childbirth will be good, two small children immediately require tremendous costs moral, physical and material. And it is not every parent under force.

Abortion, immediately after birth, as a whole, creating a lot of problems. Surgery to restore the uterus is not can lead to irreversible consequences, and medical abortion will have to give up breast-feeding a baby. In addition, like the new interrupt pregnancy can cause serious damage to an already fragile psyche during this period women.

In short, such a re-conception carries many dangers, but that intimacy in this period as desirable for yearning for the mutual affection of the spouses! That Is Whyprotection after childbirth - A necessary element of sexual activity, neglect which in any case should not be. Methods of protection is quite a lot, and choose the one most suitable for you may each couple.

Contraception after giving birth

Contraception after giving birth has its own characteristics, because the woman at this time breastfeeds her child, so contraception should be as harmless to her milk.
There is a very effective way of preventing unwanted pregnancy, which was used by our grandmothers More - lactational amenorrhea. Its essence lies in the frequent feeding baby feeding. Such feeding, which should be carried out during the day every four hours, and at night - every six hours, prevents normal development of the egg. As a result, ovulation occurs and the menstrual cycle can not be restored.

Lactational amenorrhea method can be used only until such time as the baby sucks the breast is very active. If you enter a lure and he begins to refuse the breast, this method will not work. Just as it would not work when the menstrual cycle. In these cases, the protection after childbirth should be implemented in other ways.

An excellent way to avoid unwanted pregnancy after birth - intrauterine or spiral. They can be injected into the cervix and a half months after birth. They are harmless, do not affect the quality of breast milk and are suitable for long-term use. However, IUDs sometimes cause heavy bleeding and pain during menstruation and may lead to ectopic pregnancy. In addition, their use is contraindicated in the presence of erosion, inflammation female reproductive system suspected any negative changes in the uterus, anemia propensity of women to allergy and ectopic pregnancy in the past. Therefore spirals are not for everyone.
Protection after childbirth can be carried out by conventional condoms. They are available, inexpensive, completely harmless. Their only drawback - decreased sensitivity during sex, which, of course, not all spouses welcome. Well, if condoms do not like them, you can select another option protection. For example, use a diaphragm, the effectiveness of which is not inferior to the effectiveness of condoms.

Pretty effective waycontraception after birth - The use of spermicides. They are chemical contraceptives that can kill sperm. Similarly contraceptive method successfully used even by our grandmothers, inserted into the vagina a slice of lemon or vinegar douche and citric acid. Modern spermicides are made in the form of creams, foaming tablets, jelly, capsules, soluble films, suppositories, which contain substances that destroy sperm. They are completely harmless to women and breast-fed her child and quite easy to use.

Anotherprevention method after childbirth - Hormonal. However, they need to be applied only on doctor's advice, as a number of hormonal drugs should not be used during breastfeeding. They may cause a decrease in the amount of milk and adversely affect its quality.

Absolutely harmless and extremely effective hormonal implants, which are introduced by injection woman on the inner side of the forearm and a half months after birth. Implants reliably protect against pregnancy for five years without causing absolutely no hassle. They can be removed, if desired, at any time.

Quite effective and safe option protection - hormonal oral contraceptives class mini-pill. They do not affect breast milk and the health of women and virtually eliminates the possibility of subsequent pregnancy. But to use these pills need to be continuously and regularly, otherwise they will be useless.

Choose the waycontraception after birth should immediately, without waiting for the appearance of menstruation. This will prevent unexpected troubles and help as much as possible to preserve the health and mother and her baby.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: born Ambassador variant, contraception