Changes in the body before and after pregnancy

Changes in the body before and after pregnancy
 During pregnancy there are changes in the female figure. Sometimes the old forms can be returned immediately after birth, but sometimes it takes a long time.

Expectant mothers face transformed. The skin becomes radiant, pink color. This happens not only on the joys of motherhood, but also on the increase in blood flow by 40%, thereby increasing the speed of blood circulation and improves skin tone.

This increases the amount of estrogen in the blood, which can cause a rash on the face and body. The rash quickly disappears within 6 weeks after delivery. Under the influence of hormonal changes may occur melanosis - increased the body's dark skin pigments. These patches often disappear soon after birth, but may stay. In this case, you can turn to the beautician.

If a woman during pregnancy is gaining a lot of weight, lose weight gradually is recommended. After birth, sharply reduced production of collagen, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. That's why after birth, many look older. Over time, the level of normal production of collagen.

After birth, the figure varies, but it does not lead to a global variable. To birth went well, temporarily increases blood levels of production of relaxin - a special hormone, which increases the elasticity of the uterus during labor. During this period, increases hips, breast size. If a woman during pregnancy gained weight within the normal range, it will quickly return to the previous level. You can perform special exercises aimed at preventing or reducing cellulite.

Thanks to the development of estrogen in expectant mothers have healthy looking hair, they grow faster, smaller and fall easily to style.

Of all the parts of the body most likely to suffer stomach. His skin show through the stretch, but if a woman was rapidly gaining weight, increases the risk of divergence umbilical muscle hernia appears. Excess fatty tissue is very difficult to remove. Tendency to the formation of stretch marks is inherited and depends on the elasticity of the skin. During the last trimester is produced adrenal hormones (cortisol), which also contributes to the appearance of stretch marks and staining them in a dark color. Now from such troubles can be eliminated by using a laser or other modern methods, but before it was a matter of time.

During childbearing also increases glandular breast tissue, thereby increasing the bust up to 4 sizes. Some expectant mothers find on breasts bulging veins. The body releases hormones strongly pituitary and adrenal gland, which may change the pigmentation of the nipples.

There are lucky, who like breast volume is maintained for several years, but more often it's mothers who do not end up dumped postpartum weight. Small breasts after lactation can further be reduced. Almost all noted a decrease in skin tone breasts. If the "sagging" not critical, exercise can help, otherwise you can refer to a plastic surgeon.

In the period of pregnancy in women with hereditary tendency to varicose veins may find purple mesh veins. This is due to the increased load due to a general increase in body weight as well as changes in blood platelet levels. Some women after the birth of a baby shoe size increases.

While waiting for the kid should not neglect to wear special clothes, which will help reduce the risk of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and chest. Pregnant desirable to visit a solarium, it is recommended during sleep to keep your feet elevated.

Tags: gender, pregnancy, stretch, Ambassador, weight, woman, pregnancy, body, change, set