The primary sources of calcium are dairy products, but also certain vegetables and fruits. Also calcium during pregnancy can be gleaned from broccoli, strawberries, currants, gooseberries. In order to provide a daily calcium is necessary to use multiple servings of milk products.
If a woman is healthy, normal calcium is absorbed, and its surplus output through the genitourinary system. In the presence of certain diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, and some others with the absorption of calcium can cause problems and then it is recommended to increase the dose.
Calcium deficiency during pregnancy has expressed signs: in addition to being exfoliate and break nails, teeth are falling apart, the skin becomes dry, leg muscles can cramp. If you do not take measures to address the lack of calcium, osteoporosis can occur. Also, such a situation is dangerous for the child, may be a delay in the development of the fetus.
But an excess of calcium during pregnancy is also harmful. If it is too much, the female pelvis during birth heavier diverge calcined placenta and can not provide all the necessary influx of useful elements for the child. The baby's head becomes less soft than necessary during childbirth. Because of this increased risk of birth defects.
Therefore, take calcium during pregnancy just like that, without consultation with physicians, we should not. When properly organized its power is sufficient in food.