Caesarean section: Should we be afraid?

Caesarean section: Should we be afraid?
 Childbirth - a process no less responsible than the conception, but not nearly as nice. History does not like giving birth to our first mother, but judging by the sentence of God - in the throes. All readers of women's magazine JustLady descended from Eve, they all eat apples and treat their men well, and the result is known since then as Adam Eve expelled from Paradise. Fortunately, nowadays generic suffering can be alleviated - and even prevent themselves birth by Caesarean section. Indications for him to be very serious, but whether or not to panic if the operation can not be avoided? So whether it's awful - cesarean section?

The laws of ancient Rome is clearly stated: the death of a pregnant woman should try to save the child. For those times - a wise decision, but in the modern world the mother's life is valued no less than the life of a child. And because "the operation of despair" has moved into the category of a planned, prepared in advance.

Write that in recent years almost half of all children are born not familiar way. Like, doctors began to abusecaesarean section, and reading to it are often defined only women's fear of childbirth. On this occasion, we present verbatim statement of one highly experienced doctor, "Bullshit! Of course, the number of operations has increased, but not halfway and just not a good life! "

And it is true! Who are the readers of women's magazine JustLady call himself completely healthy? Hypertension, a weak heart, bad kidneys, high myopia, diabetes - all this often leads to maternal caesarean section. Indications agree, do not joke! The doctor is forced to operate, saving the lives of women and preserving the health of the child. System "God gave - God took" in medicine have not listed.

Caesarean section: Should we be afraid?

Many women in the early stages of pregnancy will learn about the upcoming operation. Time to prepare psychologically, to consult with relatives. But is there any sense in the Council when wearing glasses with a thick lens or the heart is no good? Smarter follow uncomplicated and faithful rule: listen to your doctor. And trust him completely! Said - to give birth, so - to give birth. And if sounded "Caesarean section" - then so be it.

However, indications for caesarean section - not only chronic diseases. And health, it would seem, a woman risks being on the operating table instead of the delivery room. There are severe complications of pregnancy, which leave no choice neither the doctor nor the expectant mother. For example - preeclampsia. At the clinic, not in vain, make arrange fasting days with apples when there swelling in the legs. Doctors are afraid of almost stronger than you, because they know how it would end.

Extremely unpleasant thing - placenta previa. The fertilized egg should be on the back wall of the uterus. But if it is implemented is not where it should be, then the placenta covers the cervix to grow - the door is locked ... You can not avoid cesarean section and with a narrow pelvis. Another indication for caesarean section - the excessive weight of the fetus. Unlikely to give birth and a normal pelvis - the child gets stuck! And is it worth the risk?

Caesarean section: Should we be afraid?

And do not think that the doctor tends to ruin you and your baby - on the contrary! And do not be upset about it, because pregnant women who underwent cesarean section rises to his feet in just a day. Then the healing is faster and complications are less common.

By the way, cesarean section more leaves no scar crippling "from the navel to the pubic area," which is not allowed to wear a bikini. Operation is performed in the lower segment of the uterus, and the incision is on the skin folds over the pubis. And crosslinking special way - "on Fanenshtilyu." Shovchik is thin and virtually invisible.

There is much talk about the fact that the child must necessarily pass through the birth canal. There is no doubt - to give birth itself, as our first mother, and naturally, and physiological. But do not hang on normal delivery label mandatory. The main thing for a mother - a lively and healthy child, and the child - alive and healthy mother. And as your child is born, is not particularly important. And if your doctor told you the news about the needcaesarean section, the testimony to it - it is not necessary to suffer!

Do not forget - you will find the happiness of motherhood. Women's magazine JustLady sincerely wishes you to discard fears! There is nothing more beautiful than to embrace their child. For this you can go all - and labor, and cesarean section, and even expulsion from Eden.

Elena Afanasyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy-section, studio, cesarean