All about emergency contraception

All about emergency contraception
 Every woman worries about the consequences of unprotected sex. She was particularly concerned about the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy. In this situation, can help out only emergency contraception. It includes methods to prevent pregnancy within 1-4 days after the sexual act was committed.

Emergency contraception - a method of protection from the unexpected and unwanted pregnancy, which must take place after unprotected intercourse. Emergency contraception drugs are divided into two main groups of contraceptives. The first group includes pills containing levonorgestrel, such as Postinor and eskapel. They belong to a group of hormonal contraceptives. The second group includes non-hormonal preparations containing mifepristone (Ginepriston).

Having considered these two groups, we can conclude that Ginepriston better Postinor. First of all, this is due to its non-hormonal content. A woman who uses this contraceptive, better transfer the use of this drug. The second advantage in favor Ginepristona is capable of receiving only one tablet for a long time. It can take even after 120 hours after intercourse was performed.

Here are some guidelines for receiving emergency contraception drugs.
Contraceptives women should take at least 72 hours after unprotected sex. They are ingested. They should be taken with a small amount of water, preferably fasting. Preferably, after receiving the contraceptive device does not eat within 2 hours. Second regular tablet is taken after 12 hours after taking the first pill. If after taking the drugs came vomiting, but no later than after 3 hours, then you need to take an additional one more tablet.

How to determine what emergency contraception is ineffective.
1. There was a delay the next menstrual period more than 7 days.
2. Have you noticed changes in menstruation, her character selections.
3. began to show signs of pregnancy.

Not recommended for frequent use of contraceptives. Desirably tolerated dose for one menstrual cycle of four tablets. Besides hormonal agents can choose alternative methods of emergency contraception, such as condoms, diaphragms, vaginal caps, IUDs, douching.

If a woman has chosen IUD, she should know that it is not desirable to plan pregnancy for 5 years. Normal intrauterine device increases the reliability of an unwanted pregnancy is not a hormone. Enter it should gynecologist for 5-7 days after unprotected intimacy. Not recommended for use spiral those girls and women who have given birth, are promiscuous or have a large number of casual sex.

Tags: means, pregnancy, Ambassador, sex, intercourse, contraception