Cesarean section - easily and conveniently?
Caesarean section, in fact, is a safer way to have a baby. Births fast, predictable and completely controlled by doctors. However, doctors often discourage young mothers who decide to give birth to such a "convenient" way.
Caesarean section increases the risk of abdominal infections, the possibility of bleeding and creates certain difficulties in caring for a newborn. Mom forced to take painkillers and antibiotics, making it impossible to breastfeeding and lactation difficult. For a while she could not do housework, lift weights.
Cesarean section and the child
If the doctor still has appointed the mothercesarean section, the consequences for the child you should try to minimize. Children born this way often have breathing problems and regulators. A child on a par with the mother is under anesthesia, which depresses the respiratory center and can cause asphyxia. If the only way for mothers -cesarean section, the consequences for the child will be minimal, given that doctors first try to take birth in a natural way, and then will move to cesarean section.The consequences of caesarean section in this case will be less traumatic for the mother and baby, as during natural birth mothers skin and muscles become more elastic, it allows to facilitate surgery and promotes rapid healing of the abdominal cavity.
Doctors in the West such behavior: even when the indications for cesarean section they allow mothers to give birth vaginally. Only if the attempt does not result in the expected results, surgery occurs. Whereinconsequences of caesarean section not so much impact on the child, the natural uterine contractions force automatically turn it on neuroendocrine system.
Caesarean section, and breastfeeding
It is well known how important for the formation of a normal psychological state of the child is reunited with his mother postpartum. In the West, it gets more attention than we do. Even after cesarean section, involving antibiotics, allow the mother immediately to breastfeed, reasonably believing that the harm of incomparable tablets on the importance of breastfeeding and the direct contact of the child and the mother.
Birth after cesarean
The consequences of caesarean section subsequent births can be prevented if we start preparing for them immediately after the first birth. Doctors advise to wait 2-3 years before planning a second baby. If you transferredcesarean section, seam (Scar) must be fully tightened to avoid rupture of the uterine contractions during repeated childbirth.
Better if repeated births take place in a natural way, it is more secure and promotes rapid recovery period. Naturalbirth after cesarean possible, if:
• Caesarean section was performed usingtransverse scar (A longitudinal scar repeated birth naturally unacceptable)
• Caesarean section was associated withespecially the first pregnancyAnd not to overall health
Birth after cesarean will take place without complications, if it is complete survey of uterine scar. Scar heals within a year, and more of its state does not change. The most favorable is when the scar formed from muscle tissue in the uterus and its almost not visible.
Looks like a seam after the surgery?
In most cases, women who have hadcesarean section, seam heals quickly and becomes almost invisible under the pubic hair. The first time it will be a little sick and have a reddish tint, but at least return the stomach to its normal state, will be reduced and scar. Risk group - women predisposed to keloid scars, in this case the seam can grow together properly and leave behind a scar.
If you transferredcesarean section, seam can be made more aesthetic, if you follow the advice of the female site JustLady:
• Eat foods rich in vitamins E and C. Vitamin E - heals wounds, helps to regenerate skin, vitamin C makes the skin tone and elasticity. Oil with Vitamin E can be lubricated with a scar, it's a little soften skin, make it elastic.
• Exercise regularly. Moderate exercise, swimming or brisk walking, smart and strengthen muscles.
A little more about cesarean section
Benefits of natural childbirth does not require additional evidence. Quick recovery period of the mother, the possibility of instant reunion postpartum mother and child through breastfeeding and tactile contact - the facts speak for themselves. Another question that a woman in labor can not always pick and choose, and only a doctor can determine what the safest birth for the woman and baby.
If medical conditions require surgery, you have to trust the doctors and leave all the excitement and doubt.The consequences of caesarean section can not be compared with the ability to save the lives of mothers and children, and the joy of the birth of the baby outweigh the difficulties and post-operative pain.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady