The first thing to take into account the risk of complications due to Rh-negative. If they have both parents, the Rh factor is excluded, because the father is not in the blood antigens that can adversely affect the red blood cells of the mother. Threat is Rh-positive blood of men who could inherit a child, in which case the mother may begin to produce antibodies that will destroy red blood cells and cause anemia violation of functions of organs and systems of the fetus, including the kidneys and brain, that is, lead to development of hemolytic disease. Bilirubin levels may rise to critical levels, liver and spleen baby grow in size, then follow anoxia, and in severe cases - death of the fetus. But most of Rhesus-conflict manifests itself in the form of postpartum anemia or jaundice of the newborn.
During the first pregnancy, Rh-negative women can expect a successful outcome, since it no blood antigens capable detrimental effect on the fetus. But after birth, abortion, miscarriage, and increases the likelihood of antibody as Rh sensitization with each pregnancy develops about 10%. Therefore, within 72 hours after the birth or pregnancy interruption is recommended to enter Rh immunoglobulin, which destroys remaining in the mother's blood Rh-positive fetal red blood cells and allows the body to start the process of developing women's own antibodies.
Complications can be avoided if in time to take certain measures. First, even before conception partners is desirable to determine their blood group and Rh affiliation. Secondly, when registering for pregnancy should inform your doctor about Rh-negative, to be screened regularly for the presence of antibodies in the blood. In their absence at 28 weeks to do a shot Rh immunoglobulin, and in case of detection of growth and titer refer to a specialized medical facility, where either the pregnancy up to 38 weeks and perform elective caesarean section or packed red blood cells transfused to the fetus, resolve conflicts.
Women with Rh-negative blood is necessary to remember that the birth of a healthy child is most likely when you save the first pregnancy and constant monitoring in the antenatal clinic or medical center. And with timely introduction of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin can protect yourself from complications during gestation and subsequent pregnancies have as many children as you want.