Barrier methods, such as condoms, not only to protect women from unwanted pregnancies, but also from diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Condoms in modern pharmacies and stores set. Preference is better to give remedies with spermicidal lubricant that enhances the ability protects, and condoms with flavors designed for oral sex.
The effectiveness of condom use is very high (up to 97%). The apparent advantage is their availability, relatively low cost, ease of use. The disadvantages are recognized latex allergy in some people, the possibility of gaps, and the need to plan the sexual act.
Cervical caps, inherently resembling condoms attached to the cervix for 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse. They are best used in conjunction with a spermicide, which impede the passage of sperm into the uterus. However, caps are not fully protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Another method of contraception - the intrauterine device (coil). It is based on reducing the survival of eggs and sperm, the development of immunity of the endometrium, the change in contractility pipes. Spirals are plastic, with copper, silver, gold, sometimes supplemented with hormones. They are introduced into the uterine cavity gynecologist and require constant monitoring.
The disadvantage of this method lies in heavy bleeding during menstruation, pain during this period, as well as increased risk of various inflammatory diseases. Furthermore, this method is not suitable nulliparous women.
Hormonal contraception involves taking birth control medications. It is used after establishing a regular menstrual cycle, or for this purpose. Modern hormonal preparations have virtually no side effects and is the best means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. However, this method is only suitable for constant pairs, people who believe in the health and loyalty partner.
The use of birth control pills normalizes hormonal woman corrects it possible failures. Before a planned pregnancy hormonal stop taking several months, giving the body time to recover their natural mechanisms.