Childbirth - a natural process and without sufficient grounds, none qualified person would not resort to stimulation. What grounds can be considered sufficient?
Induction of labor: evidence
The most common cause of such a decision is to transfer risk pregnancy. It is known that the placenta is functioning well and protects the baby from harmful factors only for strictly defined period. By its end the placenta begins to wither away and is no longer a safe haven, but a kind of torture chamber for the baby.
I think, what complications can arise in this case, you represent, and written about this a lot.
Alsoinduction of labor you may need in case of any abnormalities of fetal development when his further stay inside the mother's body can cause serious harm to her health.
Pathology of the placenta, the failure of hormonal levels, as well as chronic hypertension in the mother, Rh factor, multiple pregnancy, a great weight of the child, other health impairment or pregnancy are the basis for the induction of labor.
Whatever the reason, the doctor will explain the potential risks associated with the procedure or in the event of a failure of it.
And of course, the indication for
induction of labor can not be your desire to have a faster or care doctor on vacation.
Another indication for pacing may be a lack of labor. Ie labor has already begun by themselves, but then suddenly fell silent process, and for a few hours, nothing happens.
Here you need time to take all measures required for the continuation of childbirth, otherwise it may affect the baby's condition and increase the risk of injury to the mother.
Depending on all these reasons, as well as the condition of the mother and baby doctors choose appropriate methods of induction of labor.
Induction of labor: Methods
Preparing for childbirth includes two major natural process: softening of the cervix (to through it smoothly passed the baby's head) and the muscular contractions of its walls (so the fruit is pushed outwards).
If doctors mark the beginning of labor and their gradual strengthening, and lack of elasticity of the cervix, theinduction of labor is directed to the fact that her relax. The main tool for this is the hormoneprostaglandin. This substance produced in the body of the woman, and is also found in the amniotic fluid and semen.
If the cervix is prepared insufficient, doctors may enter a tampon with a special gel containing prostaglandin candle or the woman's vagina. The procedure itself is virtually painless and safe. Damage the baby she can not, because it is protected by the placenta.
If the reason is the weakness of the stimulation of contractions, the doctors come to the aid of other methods.
The most common way to strengthen the contractions of the uterus -Water bladder puncture or amniotomy (Article about amniotomy you can read women's magazine JustLady). It's also a painless procedure and it should not be afraid. The surface of the membranes does not contain nerve endings, so you will not feel anything.
Puncture and safe for the baby - it is held in a particular area and with a special tool.
Amniotomy held after the baby's head has reached the pelvic organs - is a necessary condition for this kind of stimulation.
If after aminiotomii expectations were not fulfilled and the fight did not become more intense, physicians useOxytocin.
This measure is necessary because the fetal bladder after a puncture is no longer protects the baby adequately and there is risk of infection.
Oxytocin - artificial drug, which is similar in its effect to the action of the hormone responsible for uterine activity.
There are various ways of introducing into the body, but most often oxytocin intravenously administered with a dropper.
Parallel to this, women are also given painkillers, since the fight, to cast at such
induction of laborCan be very painful.
It was with the introduction of oxytocin and related fears, most expectant mothers. The fact that the drug dose must be calculated in each case individually, standard unfortunately does not exist.
The body of each woman reacts to the drug in its own way, which accounts for the known risks of this method. This can be an individual intolerance of the drug is too active labor, resulting in the fetal hypoxia.
However, despite all this, we must remember that if the reasons forinduction of labor sufficiently strong, it is better mentally prepare for the procedure and trust doctors, otherwise the consequences could be much worse than expected risk from its holding.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady