The most effective method of getting rid of a cough during pregnancy - steam inhalation. For the procedure can use a special apparatus - nebuliser which atomises the smallest particles of normal saline (sodium chloride). This procedure contributes to more rapid discharge of phlegm and relieve the pain in the nasopharynx.
If you do not have an inhaler, you can breathe into the pot with boiled potatoes or prepare a decoction for inhalation of herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula). These plants not only soften and moisturize the throat, but they are wonderful natural antiseptics. Well heated and anti-inflammatory effects have warm milk with honey, butter or ordinary baking soda. This drink soothes the mucous and significantly relieves coughing.
In cases where the cough is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, can be done at night and hot compress. To do this, take two sheets of cabbage and thick smear them with honey. Place the sheets on the chest and back, the food tightly wound covered with plastic wrap and top with a towel or shawl, and leave it on all night. Cabbage combined with honey is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Furthermore, for heating the thorax can be applied to the chest area keeper 5% iodine solution. This procedure is also recommended for the night.
Do not forget that the air in your room should be clean and wet enough. Use a special device - a humidifier or wet towels hanging in the room. In addition, the room should be regularly ventilated. If cough persists during pregnancy, be sure to consult a specialist who can help you pick up the necessary medical drugs.